Like every other compiler course, this one teaches you how programs in a high-level source language, e.g., Rust, are translated to a low-level target language, e.g., x86. You'll learn about the foundational concepts, formalisms, and algorithms that make compilation possible.
Like many other compiler courses, this one involves implementing a compiler. You will learn a lot more about the concepts, formalisms, and algorithms if you put them into practice.
Unlike other compiler courses, however, this one starts you off with a well-engineered compiler (tipc) and asks you to extend it to support new features in the source language. This provides a model for your work that you can learn from. That model includes among other things:
The language you will compile has some interesting features, e.g., higher-order functions, type inference. If you've always wondered how these work you'll get to see by implementing support for these features. The extensions you will support in your semester long project add even more interesting features and allow you to build complex programs that use parametric polymorphism like this one:
* This is a higher-order function of type:
* ([] t1, t2, (t2, t1) -> t2) -> t2
* where t1 and t2 are type parameters.
fold(a, i, f) {
var s, e;
s = i;
for (e : a) {
s = f(s,e);
return s;
sum(x,y) { return x + y; }
orodd(x,y) { return x or (y % 2 != 0); }
main() {
var a;
a = [ 13, 7, -4, 14, 0 ];
// The sum of the list is 30, anything else is an error
if (fold(a, 0, sum) != 30) error fold(a, 0, sum);
// There is an odd number in the list so fold should return false
if (not fold(a, false, orodd)) error -1;
return 0;
The starter compiler is about 4000 lines of source code and with a partner you will write about 1100 lines of code. In addition you will document and test the code you write. Testing will require that you write about 150 unit tests and 50 system tests (on top of the 300 unit and 100 system tests provided with the starter system).
You will become intimately familiar with the visitor pattern. You will extend visitors for the abstract syntax tree (AST) and type representation and you will build custom processing of compiler data using those visitors to check for semantic errors, perform type checking, generate code, etc.