REQUIREMENT: It is impossible to be driving without the key in PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!(shifter = drive & !(ignition = keyin))) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer (CIS 842 course notes Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: control, automobile REQUIREMENT: If we request a unlock operation the doors will become unlocked PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG( remote=unlock -> AF( driver.doorUnlocked & passenger.doorUnlocked & slider.doorUnlocked & hatch.doorUnlocked)) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer (CIS 842 course notes Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: control, automobile REQUIREMENT: If car is moving then the key cannot be out of the ignition. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG( !speed=0 -> !ignition=keyout ) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer (CIS 842 course notes Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: control, automobile REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (info_fields = empty ->AF (!info_fields = match_info)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((info_fields = empty) & (!info_fields = match_info)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((info_fields = empty) | (info_fields = match_info)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(match_results=one_match -> AF(search_state=not_enabled & search_all_names_state=not_enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((match_results = more_than_one_match) -> AF ((search_state = enabled) & (search_all_names_state = enabled))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (help_state = open -> AF (help_size = min)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((help_state = closed) & (help_size = min)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Always SCOPE: Before CTL: A[help_size = max U (help_state = closed | AG(!help_state=closed))] NOTES: Part 1 of 2 part spec SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF help_state = closed NOTES: Part 2 of 2 part spec SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((name_fields = entry_made | text_fields = entry_made) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (!(match_results = no_match) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((clear_selected = selected) -> AF (search_state = not_enabled & search_all_names_state = not_enabled & view_print_state = not_enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((match_results = one_match) | (match_results = more_than_one_match) -> AF (view_print_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((display_diamond_state = selected) & !(match_results = no_match)) -> AF (diamond_info_fields = match_info)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((text_fields = entry_made) | (name_fields = entry_made)) -> AF ((search_state = enabled) & (clear_state = enabled))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((text_fields = entry_made) | (name_fields = entry_made)) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((name_fields = entry_made) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((name_fields = entry_made) -> AF ((search_state = enabled) & (search_all_names_state = enabled) & (clear_state = enabled))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!match_results=no_match -> AF((text_fields = match_info) & (name_fields = match_info) & (info_fields = match_info))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: If there is a match and diamond state is selected then diamond fields will have the match info. PATTERN: 2-1 Response Chain SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(!match_results=no_match & EX(EF(display_diamond_state=selected & EG(!diamond_info_fields=match_info)))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (!(match_results = no_match) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF (text_fields = entry_made) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF (match_results = one_match) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF (match_results = more_than_one_match) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (clear_state = enabled) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((name_fields = empty) -> (search_all_names_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((match_results = no_match) -> (view_print_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Before CTL: A[help_size = min U (help_state = open | AG(!help_state=open)] SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((help_size = min) & (help_state = closed)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((search_all_names_state = entry_made) & !(match_results=no_match)) -> (search_all_names_state = not_enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((menustate=file) & (menuaction=mexit)->AF(systemstate=terminated)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((menustate=file) & (menuaction=mexit)->AF(systemstate=terminated)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (tastate=error))->AF(taaction=errok)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=error))->AF(tiaction=errok)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=valid) & (tiaction=ok) & validid) -> AF(tistate=complete)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & !(tiready) & !(tiaction=cancel) & changeid)-> AF(tistate=entry)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((systemstate=ti & tistate=entry & tiaction=ok)-> AF(tistate=idle)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=idle) & (tiaction=ok)&validid)-> AF(tistate=valid)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=idle) & (tiaction=ok) & (!validid)) -> AF(tistate=error)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((systemstate=ta) & (taaction=cancel)->AF(tastate=terminated)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ta->AF(menuaction=moff)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ta->AF(menustate=none)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (tastate=terminated) & (menustate=none) & (menuaction=moff))-> AF(systemstate=m)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((systemstate=ti) & (tiaction=cancel) -> AF(tistate=terminated)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ti)->AF(menuaction=moff) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ti)->AF(menustate=none) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=terminated) & (menustate=none) & (menuaction=moff))->AF(systemstate=m)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((taaction=click)->AF(tastate=dest)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (tastate=dest) & (taaction=off) & (fieldstate=0))-> AF(tastate=empty)) NOTES: 3 instances SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (taaction=save))->AF(tastate=saved)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (taaction=submit)& !tavalid)->AF(tastate=error)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (taaction=submit)& tavalid)->AF(tastate=submitted)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ta) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=terminated) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=m) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ti) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(ActiveTrans = RecvQtyOKLI1 -> AF ActiveTrans = CheckOrdStatus) NOTES: 14 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(ActiveTrans = CheckOrdStatus -> AF ActiveTrans = none) NOTES: 3 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(ActiveTrans = PrnLI1 -> AF ActiveTrans = PrnLI2) NOTES: 2 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: The status never goes from unit to these values, so it can only go to open or remain in unit. PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Between CTL: AG((Status = uninit) -> !E[Status = uninit U (Status = inprogress | Status = shipped | Status = closed)]) NOTES: 5 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: An open order may be deleted and have the value uninit. PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown CTL: EF((Status = open) -> E[Status = open U Status = uninit]) NOTES: 8 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: When either line-item is shipped and the other line-item is not open or inprogress, the order is shipped. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((li1.Status = shipped & !(li2.Status = open | li2.Status = inprogress)) | (li2.Status = shipped & !(li1.Status = open | li1.Status = inprogress)) -> AF(Status = shipped)) NOTES: 6 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: When the line-item.Status = shipped the Receipt Qty Correct button is enabled. The user presses this button to indicate that the receipt quantity for the line-item is acceptable. The line-item Status will become closed if the receipt qty not equal the shipped quantity as specified in the first SPEC. To allow this transaction to be undone, the RecvQtyEqShipQty is set to false. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((Enabled & ((li.LINo = 1 & EnvPress = RecvQtyOKLI1) | (li.LINo = 2 & EnvPress = RecvQtyOKLI2)) & !li.RandomRecvQtyEqShipQty & li.Status = shipped & ActiveTrans = none & running) -> AF(li.Status = closed & !li.RecvQtyEqShipQty)) NOTES: 21 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: Verifies that the above implication's antecedent is true some time PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown CTL: EF(Enabled & ((li.LINo = 1 & EnvPress = RecvQtyOKLI1) | (li.LINo = 2 & EnvPress = RecvQtyOKLI2)) & !li.RandomRecvQtyEqShipQty & li.Status = shipped & ActiveTrans = none & running) NOTES: 21 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: On any iteration, customer 3 starts before customer 2 starts. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cust_3_started -> cust_2_started) NOTES: For model with flag variables added SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: scheduling algorithm REQUIREMENT: On any iteration, customer 3 starts before customer 2 starts. PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((sched__2=s2) -> A[!(sched__3=s3)U(sched__2=s3)]) QRE: {cust_2_start,cust_3_start} none [-cust_2_start,cust_3_start]*; (cust_2_start; [-cust_3_start]*; cust_3_start; [-cust_2_start,cust_3_start]*)*; cust_3_start; [cust_2_start,cust_3_start]* INCA: (defquery "no_c3c2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "sched_1;") (rend "sched_2;cust_3.start"))) ))) NOTE: Problems with matching up state/event names make it difficult to confirm the use of QRE and INCA mappings. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: scheduling algorithm REQUIREMENT: On any iteration, can customer 2 start twice without an intervening call to finish. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!error) NOTES: For model with flag for customer_2 finishing and error flag set to true if customer_2 is started when the cust_2_finished flag is true. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: scheduling algorithm REQUIREMENT: On any iteration, can customer 2 start twice without an intervening call to finish. PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((sched__2=s3) -> A[!(sched__2=s2)U((sched__2=s5) | (sched__2=s8))]) INCA: (defquery "no_c2ss" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "sched_2;cust_2.start"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "sched_2;cust_2.start")) :forbid '((rend "cust_2;sched_2.finished))) ))) QRE: {customer_2_start,scheduler_2_finished} all [-customer_2_start]*; (customer_2_start; [-customer_2_start,scheduler_2_finished]*; scheduler_2_finished; [-customer_2_start]*)* NOTES: The QRE is an exact match of the varied mapping. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: scheduling algorithm REQUIREMENT: If solver_3 is forked, is it possible for solver_1 to join the main task before solver_3 has joined solver_2? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((solver_1=s3) -> ((solver_3_forked & solver_3_joined) | !solver_3_forked)) NOTES: For model with flags for solver_3_forked and solver_3_joined. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: parallel computation REQUIREMENT: If solver_3 is forked, is it possible for solver_1 to join the main task before solver_3 has joined solver_2? PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown CTL: EF((solver__1=s2) & ((sover__3=s3) | (solver__3=s5))) INCA: (defquery "no_s1js3j" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :ends-with '((rend "main;solver_1.join")) :require '((rend "solver_2;solver_3.fork")) :forbid '((rend "solver_2;solver_22.join"))) ))) QRE: {solver_1_join,solver_3_fork,solver_3_join} all [-solver_1_join,solver_3_fork,solver_3_join]*; ((solver_3_fork; [-solver_1_join,solver_3_join]*; solver_3_join; [-solver_1_join]*; solver_1_join) | solver_1_join); [solver_1_join,solver_3_fork,solver_3_join]* NOTES: INCA and QREs appear to ask the negation of requirement SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: parallel computation REQUIREMENT: Is solver_3 forked on every execution of the program? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((solver_1=s2) -> solver_3_forked) NOTES: For model with flags for solver_3_forked. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: parallel computation REQUIREMENT: Is solver_3 forked on every execution of the program? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: A[!(main=s3) U ((solver__3=s3) | (solver__3=s5))] INCA: (defquery "no_s3f" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :ends-with '((rend "main;solver_1.join")) :forbid '((rend "solver_2;solver_3.fork))) ))) QRE: {solver_1_join,solver_3-fork} all [-solver_1_join,solver_3_fork]*; solver_3_fork; [solver_1_join,solber_3_fork]* NOTES: Pattern/scope based on QRE. Why not use AF for the CTL? SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: parallel computation REQUIREMENT: Can two adjacent philosophers ever be eating at the same time? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((phil__1=s3) -> !(phil__2=s3)) & ((phil__2=s3) -> !(phil__1=s3))) INCA: (defquery "no_p1p2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "phil_1;fork_1.up") (rend "phil_2;fork_2.up))) ))) QRE: {phil_1_start_eating,phil_1_stop_eating, phil_2_start_eating,phil_2_stop_eating} all [-phil_1_start_eating,phil_2_start_eating]*; (((phil_1_start_eating; [-phil_2_start_eating,phil_1_stop_eating]*; phil_1_stop_eating) | (phil_2_start_eating; [-phil_1_start_eating,phil_2_stop_eating]*; phil_2_stop_eating)); [-phil_1_start_eating,phil_2_start_eating]*)* NOTES: Its very difficult to factor out the disjunction/conjuntion encoding of the QRE to see the (trivial) mapping. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: dining philosophers REQUIREMENT: Can philosopher i ever start eating while holding the dictionary? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((phil_2=s3) -> !holding_dictionary) NOTES: For model with holding_dictionary variable. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: dining philosophers with dictionary REQUIREMENT: Can philosopher i ever start eating while holding the dictionary? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((phil__2=s6) -> A[!(phil__2=s4)U(phil__2=s1)]) INCA: (defquery "no_p2d" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "phil_1;phil_2.dictionary"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "phil_2;fork_2.up")) :forbid '((rend "phil_2;phil_3.dictionary"))) ))) QRE: {phil_2_dictionary,phil_2_dictionary,phil_2_eating} all [-phil_2_dictionary]*; (phil_2_dictionary; [-phil_2_eating,phil_3_dictionary]*; phil_3_dictionary; [-phil_2_citionary]*)* NOTES: CTL requires FAIRNESS constraint phil_2=s1. Exact match on QRE mapping. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: dining philosophers with dictionary REQUIREMENT: Can an elevator ever be moved while its doors are open? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!error) NOTES: For model door open and error variables SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, elevator REQUIREMENT: Can an elevator ever be moved while its doors are open? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global INCA: (defquery "no_omc" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "doorman_1;elevator.open_door_1"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "elevator_1;controller.at_floor")) :forbid '((rend "doorman_1;elevaotr.close_door_1"))) ))) QRE: {elevator_open_door_1,elevator_close_door_1,elevator_1_moved} all [-elevator_open_door_1]*; (elevator_open_door_1; [-elevator_close_door_1,elevator_1_moved]*; elevator_close_door_1 [-elevator_open_door_1]*)*; NOTES: Pattern/scope based on matching of mappings for both QRE and INCA to other requirements in this collection (see 2 above) . SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, elevator REQUIREMENT: Can an elevator ever be shut down while it has pending requests? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((elevator_1=s3) -> elev_1_idle) NOTES: For model with elev_1_idle variable SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, elevator REQUIREMENT: Can an elevator ever be shut down while it has pending requests? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global INCA: (defquery "no_omc_con" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "elevator;elevator_1.set_direction"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "driver;controller.shut_down")) :forbid '((rend "elevator-task;elevator_1-task.set_idle"))) ))) QRE: {elevator_1_set_idle,elevator_1_set_direction,controller_shut_down} all [-elevator_1_set_direction,controller_shut_down]*; elevator_1_set_direction; [-elevator_1_set_idle,controller_shut_down]*; elevator_1_set_idle; [-elevator_1_set_direction,controller_shut_down]*)*; controller_shut_down NOTES: Missing open paren in QRE, INCA is constrained response SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, elevator REQUIREMENT: Can two customers ever be pumping on the same pump at the same time? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((customer_1=s5) -> !(customer_2=s5)) & ((customer_2=s5) -> !(customer_1=s5))) INCA: (defquery "no_c1c2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '("call(cust_1-task;pump_1-task.start_pumping)" "call(cust_2-task;pump_1-task.start_pumping)")) ))) QRE: {cust_1_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping, cust_2_start_pumping,cust_2_stop_pumping} none [-cust_1_start_pumping,cust_2_start_pumping]* (((cust_1_start_pumping; [-cust_2_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping]*; cust_1_start_pumping) | (cust_2_start_pumping; [-cust_1_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping]*; cust_2_stop_pumping)); [-cust_1_start_pumping,cust_2_start_pumping]*)*; ((cust_1_start_pumping; [-cust_2_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping]*; cust_2_start_pumping) | (cust_2_start_pumping; [-cust_1_start_pumping,cust_2_stop_pumping]*; cust_1_start_pumping)); [cust_1_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping, cust_2_start_pumping,cust_2_stop_pumping]* SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, Ada program REQUIREMENT: Can a customer ever prepay on one pump and get change based on the charge from the other pump? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cust_1_pump_2_change -> !prepay_1_pump_1) NOTES: For model with variables prepay_1_pump_1 and cust_1_pump_2_change. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, Ada program REQUIREMENT: Can a customer ever prepay on one pump and get change based on the charge from the other pump? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((customer__1_task=s4) -> A[!(customer__1_task=s1) U ((operator_task=s29) |(operator_task=s24) | (operator_task=s14) | (operator_task=s20))]) INCA: (defquery "no_c1p2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '( (rend "operator-task;customer_1-task.operator-prepay_1_pump_1-end"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "operator-task;customer_1-task.change")) :require '((rend "pump_2-task;operator-task.charge_1_pump_2")) :forbid '((rend "pumpt_1-task;operator-task.charge_1_pump_1"))) ))) QRE: [operator_prepay_1_pump_1,cust_1_pump_1_change,cust_1_pump_2_change} all [-operator_prepay_1_pump_1]*; operator_prepay_1_pump_1; [-cust_1_pump_1_change,cust_1_pump_2_change]*; cust_1_pump_1_change; [-operator_prepay_1_pump_1]*)* NOTES: CTL required fairness constraint for customer__1_task=s1. QRE is exact match for varied mapping. INCA doesn't seem to be. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, Ada program REQUIREMENT: On any iteration in the main task, can task 3 be started before task 2? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(t_2_first) NOTES: For model with t_2_started and t_2_first variables. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: Ada program REQUIREMENT: On any iteration in the main task, can task 3 be started before task 2? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((t__1=s3) -> A[!(t__3=s3) U (t__2=s3)]) INCA: (defquery "no_t3t2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "main;t_1.start"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "main;t_2.start")) :forbid '((rend "main;t_2.start"))) ))) QRE: {task_1_start, task_3_start} none [-task_1_start, task_3_start]*; (task_1_start; [-task_3_start]*; task_3_start; [-task_1_start, task_3_start]*)*; task_3_start; [task_1_start,task_3_start]* NOTES: INCA seems to match, but the QRE uses a none formulation so it doesn't match. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: Ada program REQUIREMENT: Can two users ever be in the critical section at the same time? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((!(user__1=s1) & !(user__1=s2) & !(user__1=s4) & !(user__1=s12) !(user__1=s21) & !(user__1=s27) & !(user__1=s28)) -> ((user__2=s1) | (user__2=s2) | (user__2=s4) | (user__2=s12) | (user__2=s21) | (user__2=s27) | (user__2=s28)) ) ...) INCA: (defquery "no_u1u2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '("call(user_1-task;crit_sect-task.cs_start)" "call(user_2-task;crit-sect-task.cs_start)")) ))) QRE: {user_1_in_crit_sect,user_1_not_in_crit_sect, user_2_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect} none [-user_1_in_crit_sect,user_2_in_crit_sect]*; (((user_1_in_crit_sect; [-user_2_in_crit_sect,user_1_not_in_crit_sect]*; user_1_not_in_crit_sect) | (user_2_in_crit_sect; [-user_1_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect]*; user_2_not_in_crit_sect)); [-user_1_not_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect]*)*; ((user_1_in_crit_sect; [-user_2_in_crit_sect,user_1_not_in_crit_sect]*; user_2_in_crit_sect) | (user_2_in_crit_sect; [-user_1_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect]*; user_1_in_crit_sect)); [user_1_in_crit_sect,user_1_not_in_crit_sect, user_2_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect]* SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: memory management REQUIREMENT: Can the system ever be shut down while a user is allocating memory? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((final=s3) -> !user_1_allocating) NOTES: For model with user_1_allocating variable SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: memory management REQUIREMENT: Can the system ever be shut down while a user is allocating memory? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((user__1=s2) -> A[!(final-s4)U((user__1=s4) | (user__1=s27))]) INCA: (defquery "no_sdu1a" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '("internal(user-task_1;user_1_allocating)")) (interval :ends-with '((rend "final;")) :forbid '("internal(user-task_1;user_1_not_allocating)")) ))) QRE: {user_1_allocating,user_1_not_allocating,mmg_crit_sect_whoa} none [-user_1_allocating,user_1_not_allocating,mmg_crit_sect_whoa]*; (user_1_allocating; [-user_1_not_allocating,mmg_crit_sect_whoa]*; user_1_not_allocating; [-user_1_allocating,user_1_not_allocating, mmg_crit_sect_whoa]*)*; user_1_allocating; [-user_1_not_allocating,mmg_crit_sect_whoa]*; mmg_crit_sect_whoa; [user_1_allocating,user_1_not_allocating, mmg_crit_sect_whoa]* NOTES: CTL required fairness constraint user__1=s27. INCA is a match, but QRE doesn't because it uses a none formulation. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: memory management REQUIREMENT: Can two adjacent masters ever be using the resource at the same time? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((master_1=s3) -> !(master_2=s3)) & ((master_2=s3) -> !(master_1=s3)) INCA: (defquery "no_m1m2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :ends-with '((rend "server_1;master_1.server_1-request-end") (rend "server_2;master_2.server_2-request-end"))) ))) QRE: {master_1_start_using,server_1_release, master_2_start_using,server_2_release} all [-master_1_start_using,master_2_start_using]*; (((master_1_start_using; [-master_2_start_using,server_1_release]*; server_1_release) | (master_2_start_using; [-master_1_start_using,server_2_release]*; server_2_release)); [-master_1_start_using,master_2_start_using]*)* SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: mutex protocol