REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((NAT=Lautocal & !(NAT=Sautocal & ...)) | (NAT=Sautocal & !(NAT=Lautocal & ...)) | ...) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Jo Atlee) CITE: \cite{sremani:96,a7spec} DOMAIN: Requirements, mode transition table REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((NavUpd=HUDUpd & !(WD=Nattack & ...)) | (NavUpd=RadarUpd & !(WD=Nattack & ...)) | ...) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Jo Atlee) CITE: \cite{sremani:96,a7spec} DOMAIN: Requirements, mode transition table REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(NavUpd=AflyUpd -> WD=BOC | WD=SBOC) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Jo Atlee) CITE: \cite{sremani:96,a7spec} DOMAIN: Requirements, mode transition table REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal ALTERNATE: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(WD=Manrip & WD=AA_Guns) REWRITING: AG(!WD=Manrip | !WD=AA_Guns) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Jo Atlee) CITE: \cite{sremani:96,a7spec} DOMAIN: Requirements, mode transition table REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((NAT=Mag-sl | NAT=Grid | NAT=IMS-fail) -> !(WD=BOC | WD=SBOC | ...)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Jo Atlee) CITE: \cite{sremani:96,a7spec} DOMAIN: Requirements, mode transition table REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG AF (sender.state = get) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Armin Biere) CITE: \cite{biere:97} DOMAIN: protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG s.SAFE SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Klaus Havelund) CITE: \cite{havelund:96} DOMAIN: protocol REQUIREMENT: No bus errors PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !bus-error SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: No errors PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !error SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between (open-closed) CTL: AG(b1.p1.writable & -> !EX E[!(b1.p1.writable | b2.p1.writable | b3.p1.writable) U b1.p1.readable & | b2.p1.readable & | b3.p1.readable &]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global ALTERNATIVE: Universal CTL: AG (!b1.p1.writable | !b1.p2.readable) REWRITING: AG !(b1.p1.writable & b1.p2.readable) NOTES: 7 instances SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (b1.p1.readable & b1.p2.readable -> NOTES: 5 instances SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (b2.m.memory-line-modified=0 & b1.p1.readable -> NOTES: 3 instances SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG EF b1.p1.readable NOTES: 6 instances SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (p1.excl -> !p2.readable) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (p1.state=shared & p2.state=shared -> SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (p1.unmodified & m.memory-line-modified=0 -> SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between (open-closed) CTL: AG (p1.writable & -> !EX E[!(p1.writable | p2.writable) U p1.unmodified & | p2.unmodified &]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG EF p1.state=shared NOTES: 3 instances SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edmund Clarke) CITE: \cite{clarke:95} DOMAIN: cache coherence protocol REQUIREMENT: Contingency Guide terminates PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!cg.idle -> AF(cg.finished)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Contingency guide can be executed infinitely often PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown CTL: AG((cg.idle | cg.finished) -> EF(!(cg.idle | cg.finished) & EF(cg.finished))) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Contingency mode select task works fine PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cs.cont_3EO_start & cs.region_selected -> ((cs.m_mode = mm102 | meco_confirmed) & !cs.r = reg-1 & !cs.r = reg0)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Bad (initial) value never happens again once region is computed unless we restart the task PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until CTL: AG(!cs.r=reg-1 -> !E[!cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select U cs.r=reg-1 & !cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cs.r in {reg-1,reg0 ,reg1,reg2,reg3,reg102}) NOTES: 13 instances SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Mode_select starts at the next step after its "start" bit is set: PATTERN: Response (restricted next variation) SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Next formulae CTL: AG(!cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select -> AX(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select & cs.step in {exit, undef} -> AX(cs.step = 1 & !cs.region_selected))) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: During major mode 103, the inertial velocity is monitored. Below an I-loaded velocity, a MECO would constitute a contingency abort. (Must NOT be in SMODE=5 (??)) PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select & cs.m_mode = mm103 & vel = LEQ_vi_3eo_min & meco_confirmed & !smode5 -> A[!cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected & cs.cont_3EO_start]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Above a certain inertial velocity (in mode 103), the 3E/O field is blanked, indicating that a MECO at this point would not require an OPS 6 contingency abort. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cs.region_selected -> (cs.m_mode = mm103 & vel = GRT_vi_3eo_max -> !cs.cont_3EO_start)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Between the two velocities, an apogee altitude - velocity curve is constructed based on the current inertial velocity. If the apogee altitude is above this curve, a contingency abort capability is still required and a 3E/O region index will be calculated. Otherwise, the 3E/O field is blanked out and no further contingency abort calculations will be performed. (Must NOT be in SMODE=5 (??)) PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select & cs.m_mode = mm103 & vel = GRT_vi_3eo_min & meco_confirmed & !smode5 -> A[!cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected & apogee_alt_LT_alt_ref = !cs.cont_3EO_start]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: For an RTLS trajectory (SMODE=5), a check is made on the downrange velocity to see if the vehicle is heading away from the landing site. If this is the case, a 3E/O region index is calculated. If the vehicle is heading back to the landing site, and the current range to the MECO R-V line is greater than an I-loaded value, a 3E/O region index is calculated. Otherwise, an intact abort is possible and the 3E/O field is blanked. PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select & smode5 & meco_confirmed & (!v_horiz_dnrng_LT_0 | !delta_r_GRT_del_r_usp) -> A[!cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected & cs.cont_3EO_start]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: If this task is called prior to SRB separation [mm102], the 3E/O region index is set to 102 and the 3E/O contingency flag is set. PATTERN: Constrained Response (non-empty variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cs.m_mode = mm102 & cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select -> AX (A [ !cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected & cs.r = reg102 & cs.cont_3EO_start])) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: After SRB separation, on every pass that the 3E/O region index is calculated, a check is made to see if MECO confirmed has occured. If so, a check is made to see if the major mode is 103. If so, an RTLS is automatically invoked to transition to major mode 601. PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!cs.region_selected & cs.m_mode = mm103 & meco_confirmed -> A[!cs.region_selected U cs.region_selected & !cs.r = reg0 -> cs.m_mode = mm601 & cs.RTLS_abort_declared]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Once the 3E/O contingency flag has been set, this task is no longer executed. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After CTL: AG(cs.cont_3EO_start -> AG(!cg.start_cont_3eo_mode_select)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: If MECO confirmed occurs in MM103 and an OPS 6 contingency abort procedure is still required, contingency 3E/O guidance sets the CONT_3EO_START flag ON. Contingency 3E/O guidance then switches from its display support function into an actual auto guidance steering process. Contingency 3E/O guidance sets the RTLS abort declared flag and the MSC performs the transition from from major mode 103 to 601. PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!cg.idle & !cg.finished & !cs.region_selected & cs.m_mode = mm103 -> A[ !cg.finished U cg.finished & cs.region_selected & (cs.cont_3EO_start -> cs.m_mode = mm601 & cs.RTLS_abort_declared) ]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: If MECO confirmed occurs in a major mode 601 and a contingency abort procedure is still required, contingency 3E/O guidance sets the CONT_3EO_START flag ON. Contingency 3E/O guidance then commands 3E/O auto maneuvers in major mode 601. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cg.finished & cs.m_mode = mm601 & !et_sep_cmd & meco_confirmed & cs.cont_3EO_start -> cg.q_gcb_i in {quat_reg1, quat_reg2, ...} | cg.emerg_sep) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: If MECO confirmed occurs in a first stage (MM102), contingency 3E/O guidance will command a fast ET separation during SRB tailoff in major mode 102. CONT 3E/O GUID will then command maneuver post-sep in MM601. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cg.finished & cs.m_mode = mm102 & meco_confirmed & pre_sep -> cg.emerg_sep | et_sep_cmd | cg.et_sep_man_initiate | cg.early_sep) NOTES: 4 instances SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Contingency Guidance shall command an ET separation PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cs.cont_3EO_start & cg.finished & (cg.r = reg1 -> cond_29) & (cg.r = reg2 -> cond_24 & cond_26) & (cg.r = reg3 -> cg.alpha_ok & (ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err -> cond_20b)) & (cg.r = reg4 -> cond_18 & q_orb_LT_0) & (cg.r = reg102 -> pre_sep) -> et_sep_cmd | cg.et_sep_man_initiate | cg.early_sep | cg.emerg_sep) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Contingency Guidance shall command at most one interconnected OMS dump. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG(cg.finished & cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd -> AG(!cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd -> AG(!cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd))) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Contingency Guidance shall command a transition to glide RTLS (flight mode 602) PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cg.finished & cs.m_mode = mm601 -> cg.call_RTLS_abort_task) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Paper, p. 28, unstated assumption 2: at step 6 the region is among 102, 1-4. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cg.step = 6 -> cg.r in {reg102, reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4}) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: The transition to mode 602 shall not occur until the entry maneuver is calculated PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global CTL: !E[cg.q_gcb_i = undef U cg.cont_sep_cplt & cg.q_gcb_i = undef] SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: The entry maneuver calculations shall not commence until the OMS/RCS interconnect, if any, is complete. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until CTL: AG(cg.oms_rcs_i_c_inh_ena_cmd -> !E[rcs_all_jet_inhibit U !cg.q_gcb_i = undef & rcs_all_jet_inhibit]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: The OMS dump shall not be considered until the -Z translation is complete. PATTERN: Precedence (possibly empty variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: !E[!cont_minus_z_compl & !cg.r = reg102 U cg.orbiter_dump_ena] SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Completion of -Z translation shall not be checked until ET separation has been commanded PATTERN: Precedence (possibly empty variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: !E[!et_sep_cmd U cg.step = 7] SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: ET separation shall be commanded if and only if an abort maneuver region is assigned [and again there are *certain conditions*]. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cg.finished & cs.cont_3EO_start & (cg.r = reg1 -> cond_29) & (cg.r = reg2 -> cond_24 & cond_26) & (cg.r = reg3 -> cg.alpha_ok & (ABS_alf_err_LT_alf_sep_err -> cond_20b)) & (cg.r = reg4 -> cond_18 & q_orb_LT_0) & (cg.r = reg102 -> pre_sep) -> (cg.et_sep_man_initiate | et_sep_cmd <-> cg.r in {reg1, reg2, reg3, reg4, reg102})) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Regions 1 and 2 may interchange, but will not switch to any other region PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: After CTL: AG(cg.finished & cs.cont_3EO_start & cg.r in {reg1,reg2} -> AG(cg.finished -> cg.r in {reg1,reg2})) NOTES: 2 instances SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: Region 102 never changes: PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: After CTL: AG(cg.finished & cg.r = reg102 -> AG(cg.finished -> cg.r = reg102)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Sergey Berezin) DOMAIN: requirements, avionics REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Global CTL: EF(in_f[2]=2) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: priority queue, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF(out_l[1]=0) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: priority queue, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Global CTL: EG(out_l[1]=0) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: priority queue, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (sort_req -> AF(sort_OK)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: producer consumer, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(bufsize=3 -> AF(sim.val <= buffer[1] & sim.val <= buffer[2] & sim.val <= buffer[3])) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: producer consumer, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (bufsize=2 -> AF(sim.val <= buffer[1] & sim.val <= buffer[2])) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: producer consumer, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (bufsize=1 -> AF(sim.val <= buffer[1])) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: producer consumer, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(bufsize=3 -> AF(val <= buffer[1] & val <= buffer[2] & val <= buffer[3])) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: producer consumer, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (bufsize=2 -> AF(val <= buffer[1] & val <= buffer[2])) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: producer consumer, data structure REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (bufsize=1 -> AF(val <= buffer[1])) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Edelweis Helene Ache Garcez) CITE: \cite{hoeg:94} DOMAIN: producer consumer, data structure REQUIREMENT: Whenever currPhase(FeedBelt)=NormalRun then eventually currPhase(FeedBelt)=CriticalRun PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((s.FBM=on & !s.deliv) -> AF (s.FBM=on & s.deliv)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Table)=StoppedInLoadPosition PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((s.FBM=on & s.deliv) -> AF(s.botPos & s.minRot & s.TEM=idle & s.TRM=idle)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Table)=StoppedInUnloadPosition PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((s.botPos & s.minRot & s.TEM=idle & s.TRM=idle) -> AF(s.topPos & s.maxRot & s.TEM=idle & s.TRM=idle)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: after that eventually currPhase(Robot)=UnloadTable (we take for this the guard of RT2a where A1Mag is assigned to on) PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((s.topPos & s.maxRot & s.TEM=idle & s.TRM=idle) -> AF((s.angle=arm1totable & s.A1M=extend) & s.a1ext=ot)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Robot)=LoadPress (we take for this the guard of RT2d where A1Mag is assigned to off) PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((s.angle=arm1totable & s.A1M=extend) & s.a1ext=ot) -> AF((s.angle=arm1topress & s.A1M=extend) & s.a1ext=a1ip)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Press)=OpenForLoading PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((s.angle=arm1topress & s.A1M=extend) & s.a1ext=a1ip) -> AF(s.midPosP & s.PM=idle)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Press)=ClosedForForging PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ( (s.midPosP & s.PM=idle) -> AF (s.topPosP & s.PM=idle)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Press)=OpenForUnloading PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((s.topPosP & s.PM=idle) -> AF (s.botPosP & s.PM=idle)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Robot)=UnloadPress (we take for this the guard of RT2b where A2Mag is assigned to on) PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((s.botPosP & s.PM=idle) -> AF((s.angle=arm2topress & s.A2M=extend) & s.a2ext=a2ip)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Robot)=LoadDepositBelt (we take for this the guard of RT2c where A2Mag is assigned to off) PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((s.angle=arm2topress & s.A2M=extend) & s.a2ext=a2ip) -> AF((s.angle=arm2todepbelt & s.A2M=extend) & s.a2ext=ob)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(DepositBelt)=NormalRun PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((s.angle=arm2todepbelt & s.A2M=extend) & s.a2ext=ob) -> AF(s.DBM=run & !s.crit)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(DepositBelt)=CriticalRun PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ( (s.DBM=run & !s.crit) -> AF (s.DBM=run & s.crit)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Crane)=UnloadDepositBelt (we take for this the guard of CT1 where CMag is assigned to on) PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((s.DBM=run & s.crit) -> AF(s.gob & s.gvp=ovb & s.CHM=idle & s.CVM=idle & s.CMag=off & s.pbe)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(Crane)=LoadFeedBelt (we take for this the guard of CT6 where CMag is assigned to off) PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((s.gob & s.gvp=ovb & s.CHM=idle & s.CVM=idle & s.CMag=off & s.pbe) -> AF (s.CVM=down & s.gvp=ovf & s.gof)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: After that eventually currPhase(FeedBelt)=NormalRun PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((s.CVM=down & s.gvp=ovf & s.gof) -> AF (s.FBM=on & !s.deliv)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Kirsten Winter) CITE: \cite{winter:97} DOMAIN: production cell, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG AF (step = 0) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG AF (opstep = 17) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(watsol & !material) REWRITING: AG(!(watsol & !material)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(material & !mf34 & !m7 & !m9) REWRITING: AG(!(material & !mf34 & !m7 & !m9)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: !EF EG material REWRITING: AG AF !material SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(h = 7) REWRITING: AG(!h=7) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: !EF EG(h > 0) REWRITING: AG AF (!h>0) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(main_valve & !flame) REWRITING: AG(!(main_valve & !flame)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: !EF EG(pilot_valve & !flame) REWRITING: AG AF !(pilot_valve & !flame) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(material & !flame) REWRITING: AG !(material & !flame) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(open & close & (step = 0)) REWRITING: AG !(open & close & (step = 0)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: !EF EG z REWRITING: AG AF !z SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from Scott Probst) CITE: \cite{probst:94} DOMAIN: reactor, control system REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !ND_Auto_SL NOTES: These are automatically generated SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from William Chan) CITE: \cite{anderson:96} DOMAIN: requirements, avionics, tcas REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !(Composite_RA_Evaluated_Event & DMG_inconsistent) NOTES: These are automatically generated SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from William Chan) CITE: \cite{anderson:96} DOMAIN: requirements, avionics, tcas REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !(Composite_RA = Descend & Composite_RA_Evaluated_Event & Diff_OTA_GL_LT_NODESLO) NOTES: These are automatically generated SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from William Chan) CITE: \cite{anderson:96} DOMAIN: requirements, avionics, tcas REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !(Radio_Altimeter_Status = Valid & Some_OA_Sense_Descend_Increase & Composite_RA_Evaluated_Event & LE_Own_Alt_Radio_ZNOINCDES) NOTES: These are automatically generated SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from William Chan) CITE: \cite{anderson:96} DOMAIN: requirements, avionics, tcas REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((Composite_RA = Climb & Composite_RA_Evaluated_Event) -> GE_Displayed_Model_Goal_Climb_Goal_Table_8) NOTES: These are automatically generated SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from William Chan) CITE: \cite{anderson:96} DOMAIN: requirements, avionics, tcas REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !(Corrective_Descend_Evaluated_Event & Corrective_Climb = Yes & Corrective_Descend = Yes) NOTES: These are automatically generated SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from William Chan) CITE: \cite{anderson:96} DOMAIN: requirements, avionics, tcas REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG AF bit2.carry_out SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: counter, hardware REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!(e-1.u.ack & e-2.u.ack) & !(e-1.u.ack & e-3.u.ack) & !(e-2.u.ack & e-3.u.ack)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: dme1, hardware REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG EF (p0.readable) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: gigamax, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: AG EF (p0.writable) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: gigamax, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !(p0.writable & p1.writable) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: gigamax, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Global CTL: EF((state1 = c1) & (state2 = c2)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: mutex, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((state1 = t1) -> AF (state1 = c1)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: mutex, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((state2 = t2) -> AF (state2 = c2)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: mutex, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(start_transaction -> AF end_transaction) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((!req & issue_next & !b_gnt) -> AF b_gnt) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((b_gnt & !frame) -> AF frame) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(b_trdy_next & frame -> AF end_transaction) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(start_transaction -> AF end_transaction) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response (restricted next variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(start_transaction -> AX !start_transaction) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response (restricted next variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(start_transaction -> AX state = address) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response (restricted next variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(end_transaction -> AX !end_transaction) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response (restricted next variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(end_transaction -> AX state = idle) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response (restricted next variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((!req & issue_next) -> AX req) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response (restricted next variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(b_trdy_next & !abort -> AX b_trdy) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response (restricted next variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(b_frame_switch -> AX !b_frame_switch) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(b_frame_switch -> b_frame) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!b_frame -> !b_frame_switch) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !abort SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !abort_count = 3 SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Global CTL: EG abort_count = 0 SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req1 -> A[req1 U (grant = 1 | req0)]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req0 -> A[req0 U grant = 0]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req1 & policy = RR) -> A[req1 U grant = 1]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req1 -> A[req1 U (grant = 1 | req0)]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req2 -> A[req2 U (grant = 2 | req0 | req1)]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req0 -> A[req0 U grant = 0]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req0 -> (A[req0 U grant = 0] | AX !req0)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req1 & policy = RR) -> A[req1 U grant = 1]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req2 & policy = RR) -> A[req2 U grant = 2]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req0 -> A[req0 U grant = 0]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req1 & all_RR) -> A[req1 U grant = 1]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req2 & all_RR) -> A[req2 U grant = 2]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req3 & all_RR) -> A[req3 U grant = 3]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req4 & all_RR) -> A[req4 U grant = 4]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req5 & all_RR) -> A[req5 U grant = 5]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req1 -> A[req1 U (grant = 1 | req0)]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req2 -> A[req2 U (grant = 2 | req0 | req1)]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req3 -> A[req3 U (grant = 3 | req0 | req1 | req2)]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req4 -> A[req4 U (grant = 4 | req0 | req1 | req2 | req3)]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(req5 -> A[req5 U (grant = 5 | req0 | req1 | req2 | req3 | req5)]) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((req2 & policy = RR) -> (A[req2 U grant = 2] | AX !req2)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After CTL: AG((processor.start_transaction) -> AG !(scsi_ctrl.end_transaction)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: pci, hardware, protocol REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !error SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: periodic REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal sub-formula CTL: (AG AF gate1.output) & (AG AF !gate1.output) NOTES: Conjoined independent specs SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: ring REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !activation_count = 2 SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: robot, control, robot REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !error SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: robot, control, robot REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !(T2pri8 & T3pri8) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: robot, control, robot REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG !(T4pri3 & T5pri3) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: robot, control, robot REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(pT1.start -> AF pT1.finish) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: robot, control, robot REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After CTL: AG(pT1.start -> AG !pT1.finish) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: robot, control, robot REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After CTL: AG(pT5.start -> AG !pT5.finish) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: robot, control, robot REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After CTL: AG(pT3.suspend_count = 3 -> AG !timer = 50) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: robot, control, robot REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (proc1.state = entering -> AF proc1.state = critical) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: semaphore REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(request -> AF state = busy) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: short REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((ack-out -> Request) & AF (!Request | ack-out)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: syncarb5, protocol, hardware REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (e5.Request -> AF (!e5.Request | e5.ack-out)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: syncarb5, protocol, hardware REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (!e1.Request & !e2.Request & !e3.Request & !e4.Request & e5.Request -> e5.ack-out) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: syncarb5, protocol, hardware REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (!(e1.ack-out & e2.ack-out) & !(e1.ack-out & e3.ack-out) & !(e2.ack-out & e3.ack-out) & !(e1.ack-out & e4.ack-out) & !(e2.ack-out & e4.ack-out) & !(e3.ack-out & e4.ack-out) & !(e1.ack-out & e5.ack-out) & !(e2.ack-out & e5.ack-out) & !(e3.ack-out & e5.ack-out) & !(e4.ack-out & e5.ack-out)) SOURCE: Bwolen Yang (Originally from the SMV Distribution) DOMAIN: syncarb5, protocol, hardware REQUIREMENT: Pressing a landing button guarantees that the lift will arrive at that landing with its doors open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(landingButi.pressed -> AF(lift.floor=i & lift.door=open)) NOTES: This is an examplar for a class of specs for each floor i SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: Pressing a landing button guarantees that the lift will arrive at that landing with its doors open, going in a downward direction. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(landingButi.pressed -> AF(lift.floor=i & lift.door=open & lift.direction=down)) NOTES: This is an examplar for a class of specs for each floor i SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: Pressing a lift button guarantees that the lift will arrive at the respective floor with its doors open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(liftButi.pressed -> AF(floor=i & door=open)) NOTES: This is an examplar for a class of specs for each floor i SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: An elevator can remain idle on the third floor with its doors closed. PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(floor=3 & idle & door=closed -> EG(floor=3 & door=closed)) SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: An upwards travelling lift at the second floor does not change direction when it has passengers wishing to go to the fifth floor. PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(floor=2 & direction=up & liftBut5.pressed -> A[direction=up U floor=5]) SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: Service guaranteed for passengers inside lift if not empty PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(liftBut3.pressed & !lift.empty -> AF((floor=3 & dor=open) | lift.empty)) SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: Lift parks at floor 1 PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(floor=4 & idle -> E[idle U floor=1]) SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: Lift calls have preference PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(up & liftBut2.pressed & !liftBut3.pressed -> A[!(floor=3 & doors=open) U ((floor=2 & door=open) | !up)]) SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: Lift will not move while overloaded PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(floor=3 & overloaded -> A[floor=3 U !overloaded]) SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: Doors may close when no overloading PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(door=open & !overloaded -> E[!overloaded U door=closed]) SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator REQUIREMENT: Impossible to close doors if overloaded PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global LTL: AG(!(overloaded & door=closed)) ORIGINAL: !EF(overloaded & door=closed) SOURCE: M. Ryan CITE: \cite{ryan:97} DOMAIN: feature integration, elevator F. Cassez R. Cleaveland REQUIREMENT: Every p is followed by an r and between the p and the r, q is true PATTERN: Constrained Response SCOPE: Global LTL: [] (p -> q U r) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: cr1 and cr2 are never both true PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global LTL: [] !(cr1 && cr2) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: Every UP is followed by a DOWN PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global LTL: [] (up -> (<> down)) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: Every p is followed by a q PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global LTL: [] (p -> <>q) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: Every b is followed by an r but no np_ PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown LTL: [] (b -> ([] !np_ && <>r)) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? NOTE: combination of "No np_ after b" and "r responds to b" REQUIREMENT: Eventually bp PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global LTL: <> bp SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: Infinitely often, A is followed by D and between A and D, C is true PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown LTL: []<> (a -> (c U d)) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: Infinitely often, A is followed by D PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown LTL: []<> (a -> <> d)) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: If p1 is always followed by p2 and p3 is always followed by p4, then p5 is always followed by p6 PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global LTL: [] ((p1 -> <>p2) && (p3 -> <>p4)) -> [](p5 -> <>p6) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? NOTE: boolean combination of response patterns REQUIREMENT: In the first two states, either p then q or q then p PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown LTL: (p && X q) || (q && X p) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: Eventually A, B, and B until C. PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown LTL: <> ((a && b) && b U c) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: Eventually p until q PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global LTL: <> (p U q) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? EQUIVALENT: <> q REQUIREMENT: Eventually always p PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global LTL: <>[] p SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? REQUIREMENT: Always p until not p PATTERN: Always SCOPE: Global LTL: [] (p U !p) SOURCE: Gerard Holzmann (correspondence with SPIN user) DOMAIN: ? EQUIVALENT: true REQUIREMENT: If f characterizes the legitimate global state, then we want to prove that always eventually f holds PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal formula (<>) LTL: []<>f SOURCE: SPIN'96 Paper on Self-stabilizing \cite{}, pp. 6, part 1 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: If f characterizes the legitimate global state, then we want to prove that always eventually f holds PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: Proposition LTL: [](f -> []f) SOURCE: SPIN'96 Paper on Self-stabilizing \cite{}, pp. 6, part 1 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: Always eventually transition aftsCC is taken PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal (<>) LTL: []<>aftsCC SOURCE: Stefan Leue and Peter B. Ladkin \cite{leue:96}, pp. 16 DOMAIN: Message Sequence Chart Validation REQUIREMENT: Eventually transition aftsCC is taken PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal (<>) LTL: <>aftsCC SOURCE: Stefan Leue and Peter B. Ladkin \cite{leue:96}, pp. 16 DOMAIN: Message Sequence Chart Validation REQUIREMENT: After transition CC is taken, transition DR will never be taken. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: [](aftsCC -> !<>aftsDR) REWRITING: [](aftsCC -> []!aftsDR) SOURCE: Stefan Leue and Peter B. Ladkin \cite{leue:96}, pp. 16 DOMAIN: Message Sequence Chart Validation REQUIREMENT: After transition CR is taken, transition CC will be taken. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: [](aftsCR -> <>aftsCC) SOURCE: Stefan Leue and Peter B. Ladkin \cite{leue:96}, pp. 16 DOMAIN: Message Sequence Chart Validation REQUIREMENT: ?? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: aftsCR -> <>(aftsCC || aftsDR) NOTE: Propositional fragment or existence REWRITING: !aftsCR || <>(aftsCC || aftsDR) SOURCE: Stefan Leue and Peter B. Ladkin \cite{leue:96}, pp. 16 DOMAIN: Message Sequence Chart Validation REQUIREMENT: ?? PATTERN: Filter=GlobalUniversal+GlobalAbsence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal(<>) and Propositions LTL: ([]<>aftsDR) -> !<>aftsCC NOTE: Converted to absence REWRITING: ([]<>aftsDR) -> []!aftsCC SOURCE: Stefan Leue and Peter B. Ladkin \cite{leue:96}, pp. 16 DOMAIN: Message Sequence Chart Validation REQUIREMENT: If at least one member exists in a LAN, the Bridge must eventyally recognize it. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Temporal([]) LTL: [](p -> <>[]q) SOURCE: Tadashi Nakatani \cite{nakatani:97}, pp. 8 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: There is no duplication of blanks NOTE: These are embedded as assertions in the promela, we could express them as: after-absence and global-response[rcvblank,sndblank] PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After SOURCE: Thierry Cattel \cite{cattel:95}, pp. 4 DOMAIN: Process Control REQUIREMENT: There is no loss of blanks NOTE: These are embedded as assertions in the promela, we could express them as: after-absence and global-response[rcvblank,sndblank] PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global SOURCE: Thierry Cattel \cite{cattel:95}, pp. 4 DOMAIN: Process Control REQUIREMENT: Sequence numbers of sent blanks are preserved when they are received by the container NOTE: This is embedded as an assertion in the promela, we could express it as: 2-2 response-chain PATTERN: 2-2 Response Chain SCOPE: Global SOURCE: Thierry Cattel \cite{cattel:95}, pp. 4 DOMAIN: Process Control REQUIREMENT: Each blank that is received will eventually be forged. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional (equality comparison with constant) NOTE: Conjunction of m response patterns LTL: [](P(0) -> <>Q(0)) && ... && [](P(m) -> <>Q(m)) SOURCE: Thierry Cattel \cite{cattel:95}, pp. 4 DOMAIN: Process Control REQUIREMENT: There are no collisions between the press and the robot. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](pressing -> (!arm1_in_press && !arm2_in_press)) SOURCE: Thierry Cattel \cite{cattel:95}, pp. 4 DOMAIN: Process Control REQUIREMENT: For all ports p numbered from, say 0 to m, if p is created then the related channel needs to be empty. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional (very large formulae) LTL: []((P(0) -> Q(0)) && ... && (P(m) -> Q(m))) SOURCE: Gregory Duval and Jacques Julliand \cite{duval:95}, pp. 4 DOMAIN: Operating System REQUIREMENT: The manager always eventually does a treatment when a request is sent to it. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) LTL: []((State=INIT && request) -> <>(State=WORK)) SOURCE: Gregory Duval and Jacques Julliand \cite{duval:95}, pp. 5 DOMAIN: Operating System REQUIREMENT: The manager always returns in its initial state after a treatment. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) LTL: [](State=WORK -> <>(State=INIT)) SOURCE: Gregory Duval and Jacques Julliand \cite{duval:95}, pp. 5 DOMAIN: Operating System REQUIREMENT: The manager always does a treatment when requested then returns to its initial state. PATTERN: Response Chain 1-2 SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) LTL: []((State=INIT && request) -> <>(!State=INIT && (!State=INIT -> <>(State=INIT)))) REWRITING: []((State=INIT && request) -> <>(!State=INIT && <>(State=INIT)))) NOTE: Eliminated the next from the response-chain pattern for simplicity. This requirement is the conjunction of the previous 2, it took the authors 5 derivation steps to produce it and it still includes some redundancy. SOURCE: Gregory Duval and Jacques Julliand \cite{duval:95}, pp. 6 DOMAIN: Operating System REQUIREMENT: FIFO buffers have to be empty at the end of a communication PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) LTL: [](EndOfCommunication -> BufferEmpty) SOURCE: Gregory Duval and Jacques Julliand \cite{duval:95}, pp. 6 DOMAIN: Operating System REQUIREMENT: No pair of synchronizations on channel to_medium can occur without an intervening broadcast delivery. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-until LTL: [](Synch(to_medium) -> !Synch(to_medium) U (Broadcast | []!Synch(to_medium))) NOTE: They only give the english requirement SOURCE: Jensen, Larsen and Skou \cite{jensen:96}, fig. 5 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: Messages received must correspond to the receivers id. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (variable comparison) LTL: []!data==id NOTE: They only give the english requirement SOURCE: Jensen, Larsen and Skou \cite{jensen:96}, fig. 6 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: In a safe domain there is a single MCS provider at the top of each domain. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: [](safe -> one_top) SOURCE: Merino \cite{merino:96}, fig. 5 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: In a safe domain the height in every domain is always bounded. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: [](safe -> bounded_height) SOURCE: Merino \cite{merino:96}, fig. 5 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: In a safe domain every client attached to a domain has unique identifiers. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: [](safe -> unique_ids) SOURCE: Merino \cite{merino:96}, fig. 5 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: In a merging domain, the protocol always detects and removes cycles in MCS connections. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: [](merging -> <>safe) SOURCE: Merino \cite{merino:96}, fig. 5 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: While a domain is in a merging state, no new use identifiers will be assigned. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-until PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: [](merging -> !(new_id U safe)) NOTE: This spec either encodes some implicit assumptions or is wrong. REWRITING: [](merging -> !new_id U (safe | []!new_id)) SOURCE: Merino \cite{merino:96}, fig. 5 DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: The process Shunt does not signal free way to the train if the Level Crossing is not closed. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions NOTE: Limited details, but implemented as an assertion LTL: [](SignalFreeWay && !LevelCrossingClosed) SOURCE: Cimmatti et. al. \cite{cimmatti:97}, pp. 9 DOMAIN: Railway Control REQUIREMENT: The SL never issues contradictory PD controls during a cycle. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositions NOTE: Limited details, but, implemented using assertion LTL: []((PDcontrolX && <>EndCycle) -> !PDcontrolContraX U EndCycle) SOURCE: Cimmatti et. al. \cite{cimmatti:97}, pp. 9 DOMAIN: Railway Control REQUIREMENT: If the free way was signalled to the train, and the level crossing was closed with a manual command, then the manual command RESTORE-AUTOMATIC-MODE must leave the level crossing closed. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions NOTE: No details given for LTL formula, so its unclear what parts of the system are modeled as states vs. events. LTL: []((SignalFreeWay && LevelCrossingClosed) -> <>(complete_RESTORE-AUTOMATICMODE && LevelCrossingClosed)) SOURCE: Cimmatti et. al. \cite{cimmatti:97} DOMAIN: Railway Control REQUIREMENT: A task releases all its locks before it terminates PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (somewhat complex boolean function) NOTE: This is implemented as an assertion LTL: [](return_Achieving_Task -> not_subscriber(this,p.memory_property)) SOURCE: Havelund, Lowry and Penix \cite{havelund:98}, pp. 43 DOMAIN: Space Craft Control REQUIREMENT: If an inconsistency occurs between the database and an entry in the lock table, then all tasks that rely on the lock will be terminated, either by themselves or by the daemon in terms of abort. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerated and finite-range integer expressions) LTL: [](task1_property_broken -> <>task1_terminated) SOURCE: Havelund, Lowry and Penix \cite{havelund:98}, pp. 45 DOMAIN: Space Craft Control REQUIREMENT: In all taks, if task1_property_broken holds, then eventually either task1_terminated or task1_property_repaired will hold. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerated and finite-range integer expressions) LTL: [](task1_property_broken -> <>(task1_terminated || task1_property_repaired)) SOURCE: Havelund, Lowry and Penix \cite{havelund:98}, pp. 51 DOMAIN: Space Craft Control REQUIREMENT: When a server requests for its registration in the ROT, it will eventually be registered. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (boolean vector) LTL: [](RequestedRegisterImpl[i] -> <>ServerRegistered[i]) NOTE: this is replicated for all modeled servers SOURCE: Gregory Duval \cite{duval:98}, RI, pp. 46 DOMAIN: Distributed Object System REQUIREMENT: When a client i asks for a server j reference, it will eventually get the reference. Unless the server is not registered yet. PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: After-Until PARAMETERS: Propositions (integer and boolean array expressions) LTL: [](RequestGetIOR[i]=j -> (ServerRegistered[j] U GetIOR(i))) NOTE: Replicated for all modeled clients and servers. The original LTL is expressed with W (weak-until) as: [](RequestGetIOR[i]=j -> <>(GetIOR(i) W !ServerRegistered[j])) SOURCE: Gregory Duval \cite{duval:98}, IOR, pp. 46 DOMAIN: Distributed Object System REQUIREMENT: For an ordinary send/receive : When a client makes a method call to a server, it will eventually receive the result of its call if the server is OK. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (boolean arrays) LTL: [](ClientSend[i] -> <>ClientRecv[i]) NOTE: Replicated for all modeled clients SOURCE: Gregory Duval \cite{duval:98}, SR, pp. 46 DOMAIN: Distributed Object System REQUIREMENT: When a client makes a one way send, the server must eventually receive data. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (boolean arrays) LTL: [](ClientSend[i] -> <>ServerRecv[i]) NOTE: Replicated for all modeled clients and servers SOURCE: Gregory Duval \cite{duval:98}, OW, pp. 46 DOMAIN: Distributed Object System REQUIREMENT: For a Defered Synchronous Request : When the client waits for the result from the Request process, it will eventually get it. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (boolean arrays) LTL: [](ClientAskResult[i] -> <>ClientGetResult[i]) NOTE: Replicated for all modeled clients SOURCE: Gregory Duval \cite{duval:98}, DSR, pp. 46 DOMAIN: Distributed Object System REQUIREMENT: When the name server makes a call to a test_implementation method of a remote server, the result of its call must be equal to the reference of the server which is registered in the ROT, Unless the server is not registered yet. PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown PARAMETERS: Propositions (relative variable values) LTL: NOTE: Replicated for all servers. The original LTL is expressed with W (weak-until) as: [](TestImplKey[j]=ReceivedKey W !ServerRegistered[j]) SOURCE: Gregory Duval \cite{duval:98}, TIR, pp. 46 DOMAIN: Distributed Object System REQUIREMENT: For each client the received integer is equal to the sent one plus two. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (relative values of variables) LTL: [](ReceivedInteger = (SentInteger + 1)) SOURCE: Gregory Duval \cite{duval:98}, SC1, pp. 47 DOMAIN: Distributed Object System