REQUIREMENT: When an error message is displayed the only available user action is aknowledgement via the 'ok' button PATTERN: 1-2 Constrained Response Chain (constrained cause-effect variant) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(error.full -> A[ (!control=user) U A[ (control=user) U ok.pushed]]) REWRITING: AG(full -> AF(user & !!user & AX(A[!!user U pushed])) REWRITING: AG(full -> A[!user U (user & A[user U pushed]))]) NOTES: This spec is a variation and simplification of the mapping SOURCE: Matt Dwyer \cite{dwyer:97a} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When the cancel button on the identify traveler screen is pressed control returns to the main menu screen. PATTERN: 1-2 Constrained Response Chain (constrained cause-effect variant) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cancel.pushed & focus=idtraveler -> A[ (!control=user) U A[ (control=user) U focus=main]]) NOTES: This spec is a variation and simplification of the mapping SOURCE: Matt Dwyer \cite{dwyer:97a} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If a search is done and one match is found, the search and search all names command buttons are not enabled PATTERN: 1-2 Constrained Response Chain (constrained cause-effect variant) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(dbSearchResult=one_match -> A[(!control=user) U A[(control=user) U (!search.enabled & !searchallnames.enabled)]]) NOTES: This spec is a variation and simplification of the mapping SOURCE: Matt Dwyer \cite{dwyer:97a} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If a search returns some match then the view/print command button is enabled PATTERN: 1-2 Constrained Response Chain (constrained cause-effect variant) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!dbSearchResult=no_match -> A[(!control=user) U A[ (control=user) U viewPrint.enabled]]) NOTES: This spec is a variation and simplification of the mapping SOURCE: Matt Dwyer \cite{dwyer:97a} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When a match is found all fields are filled in PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!dbSearchResult=no_match -> AF(text.full & names.full & substance.full)) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer \cite{dwyer:97a} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If enqueue(d1) then invocation of forward iterator will call Process_type(d1) REFINEMENT: If between an enqueue of d1 and the initiation of a forward iteration, d1 is not dequeued, then it will eventually be produced by the iteration. PATTERN: Constrained Response-chain 2-1 SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Call events with parameters LTL: [](call_Enqueue(d1) & (!return_Dequeue(d1) U call_Top_Down) -> <>(call_Top_Down & <>call_P(d1,*))) NOTE: Since these are all events we can drop the nexts SOURCE: Matthew Dwyer DOMAIN: Generic Container ADTs REQUIREMENT: If enqueue(d1) then invocation of backward iterator will call Process_type(d1) REFINEMENT: If between an enqueue of d1 and the initiation of a backward iteration, d1 is not dequeued, then it will eventually be produced by the iteration. PATTERN: Constrained Response-chain 2-1 SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Call events with parameters LTL: [](call_Enqueue(d1) & (!return_Dequeue(d1) U call_Bottom_Up) -> <>(call_Bottom_Up & <>call_P(d1,*))) NOTE: Since these are all events we can drop the nexts SOURCE: Matthew Dwyer DOMAIN: Generic Container ADTs REQUIREMENT: If enqueue(d1) then enqueue(d2) then forward iteration calls P(d1) before P(d2) REFINEMENT: A sequence of calls that enqueue d1 and d2 followed by start of forward iteration without intervening dequeus of d1 or d2 must be followed by calls to P(d1) and P(d2) PATTERN: Constrained 3-2 Response Chain SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Call events with parameters LTL: []((call_Enqueue(d1) & (!return_Dequeue(d1) U (call_Enqueue(d2) & (!return_Dequeue(d1) & !return_Dequeue(d2) U call_Top_Down)))) -> <>(call_Top_Down & <>(call_P(d1) & <>call_P(d2)))) NOTE: Since these are events we drop the nexts SOURCE: Matthew Dwyer DOMAIN: Generic Container ADTs REQUIREMENT: If enqueue(d1) then enqueue(d2) then backward iteration calls ProcessType(d2) before ProcessType(d1) REFINEMENT: Subsequent calls that enqueue d1 and d2 followed by start of backward iteration without intervening dequeus of d1 or d2 must be followed by calls to P(d2) and P(d1) PATTERN: Constrained 3-2 Response Chain SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Call events with parameters LTL: []((call_Enqueue(d1) & (!return_Dequeue(d1) U (call_Enqueue(d2) & (!return_Dequeue(d1) & !return_Dequeue(d2) U call_Bottom_Up)))) -> <>(call_Bottom_Up & <>(call_P(d2) & <>call_P(d1)))) NOTE: Since these are events we drop the nexts SOURCE: Matthew Dwyer DOMAIN: Generic Container ADTs REQUIREMENT: An enqueue without subsequent dequeue can only be followed by empty(false) REFINEMENT: An enqueue followed by a call to empty without an intervening call to dequeue must be followed by return of false from empty. PATTERN: Constrained 2-1 Response Chain SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Call events with parameters LTL: [](call_Enqueue & (!return_Dequeue U call_Empty) -> <>(call_Empty & <>return_Empty(false))) NOTE: Since these are events we drop the nexts SOURCE: Matthew Dwyer DOMAIN: Generic Container ADTs REQUIREMENT: Between an enqueue(d1) and empty(true) there must be a dequeue(d1) PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Call events with parameters LTL: []((call_Enqueue(d1) & <>return_Empty(true)) -> (!return_Empty(true) U return_Dequeue(d1))) SOURCE: Matthew Dwyer DOMAIN: Generic Container ADTs REQUIREMENT: Between the time an elevator is called at a floor and the time it opens its doors at that floor, the elevator can arrive at that floor at most twice. PATTERN: 2 Bounded Existence SCOPE: Between LTL: []((call & <>open) -> ((!atfloor & !open) U (open | ((atfloor & !open) U (open | ((!atfloor & !open) U (open | ((atfloor & !open) U (open | (!atfloor U open)))))))))) SOURCE: Matthew Dwyer DOMAIN: Control system, elevator REQUIREMENT: When a connection is not made to the server, report an error and reset network component to initial state. REFINEMENT: After OpeningNetworkConnection, an ErrorMessage will pop up in response to a NetworkError PATTERN: Response SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](OpenNetworkConnection -> [](NetworkError -> <>ErrorMessage)) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When a connection is made to the POP server, mail will be transferred to the local machine and handled by the message handling subsystem. REFINEMENT: After PopServerConnected and before the mail is Placed in Mailboxes the Messages will be downloaded PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: []((PopServerConnected & <>PlacedinMailboxes) -> (!PlacedinMailboxes U MessagesTransfered)) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When a connection is made to the SMTP server, all queued messages in the OutBox mail will be transferred to the server. REFINEMENT: Before QueuedMailSent, SMTPServerConnected PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Before AlTERNATE: Global Precedence PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: <>QueuedMailSent -> (!QueuedMailSent U SMTPServerConnected) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When the name of a mailbox is double-clicked, that mailbox will be opened. REFINEMENT: After MailboxSelected MailboxWindowOpen will exist PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: After ALTERNATE: Global Response PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](!MailboxSelected) | <>(MailboxSelected & <>MailboxWindowOpen)) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When a message has been created and the user is finished editing it the message is placed in the OutBox and marked as queued. REFINEMENT: After MessageReady MessageinOutbox will exist. PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: After ALTERNATE: Global Response PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](!MessageReady) | <>(MessageReady & <>MessageinOutbox)) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When the mouse is clicked on the line corresponding to a message in a mailbox and is drug to another mailbox, the message will be transferred to the new mailbox. REFINEMENT: After MessageDragged, MessageMoved will exist. PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: After ALTERNATE: Global Response PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](!MessageDragged) | <>(MessageDragged & <>MessageMoved)) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: A popup box that requires a response from the user will remain in the foreground until action is taken. REFINEMENT: ErrorPopup must be followed by ResponsetoPopup before more action. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](Error -> [](ErrorPopup -> <>ResponsetoPopup)) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: All messages incoming from the POP server should be marked as unread. REFINEMENT: MarkasUnread will occur after PlacedinMailboxes. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](MessageTransferred -> [](PlacedinMailboxes -> <>MarkasUnread)) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Messages should not be removed from the POP server until retrieved successfully. REFINEMENT: POPServerMessageDelete after PlacedinMailboxes. PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](!POPServerMessageDelete) | <>(POPServerMessageDelete & <>PlacedinMailboxes) SOURCE: Jeff Isom \cite{isom:98} DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: From the Main Menu, the program cannot move to the Request View unless the user has entered a keyword to search for or the user has entered an ID number to search for. REFINEMENT: If form is main_menu, form is not request_view until keyword_text_box or id_number_text_box. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form = main_menu) -> A[!(form=request_view) U (keyword_text_box | id_number_text_box | AG(!(form=request_view)))]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: From the List View, the program will either move into the Main Menu or the Request View. REFINEMENT: If form is list_view, form will either be main_menu or request_view before it is anything else. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form=list_view) -> A[!((form=patron_type) | (form=letter_type) | (form=select_reason)) U ((form=main_menu) | (form=request_view)) | AG (!((form=patron_type) | (form=letter_type) | (form=select_reason)))]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: From the Request View, the program can move directly into any screen except the Select Reason screen. REFINEMENT: If form is request_view, form will either be main_menu, list_view, patron_view, or letter_type before it is select_reason. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form=request_view) -> A[!(form=select_reason) U (((form=main_menu) | (form=list_view) | (form=patron_view) | (form=letter_type)) | AG (!(form=select_reason)))]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Once the program is in the Patron View, it can only return to the Request View. REFINEMENT: If form is patron_view, form will be request_view before it is anything else. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form=patron_view) -> A[!((form=main_menu) | (form=list_view) | (form=letter_type) | (form=select_reason)) U ((form=request_view) | AG (!((form=main_menu) | (form=list_view) | (form=letter_type) | (form=select_reason))))]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: From the Letter Type screen, the program will either move into the Select Reason screen or the Request View. REFINEMENT: If form is letter_type, form will either be select_reason or request_view before it is anything else. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form=letter_type) -> A[!((form=main_menu) | (form=list_view) | (form=patron_view)) U ((form=select_reason) | (form=request_view) | AG (!((form=main_menu) | (form=list_view) | (form=patron_view))))]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: From the Select Reason screen, the program can only return to the Request View. REFINEMENT: If form is select_reason, form will be request_view before it is anything else. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form=select_reason) -> A[!((form=main_menu) | (form=list_view) | (form=patron_view) | (form=letter_type)) U ((form=request_view) | AG (!((form=main_menu) | (form=list_view) | (form=patron_view) | (form=letter_type))))]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Pressing the Close Button from the Request View will cause the system to move to either the List View or the Main Menu, whichever state the program was in before it entered the Request View. REFINEMENT: If form is list_view and then form is request_view, form will be list_view before it is main_menu. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form=list_view) -> A[!(form=request_view) U (AG !(form=request_view) | (form=request_view) & A[!(form=main_menu) U ((form=list_view) | AG !(form=main_menu))])]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Pressing the Close Button from the Request View will cause the system to move to either the List View or the Main Menu, whichever state the program was in before it entered the Request View. REFINEMENT: If form is main_menu and then form is request_view, form will be main_menu before it is list_view. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form=main_menu) -> A[!(form=request_view) U (AG !(form=request_view) | (form=request_view) & A[!(form=list_view) U ((form=main_menu) | AG !(form=list_view))])]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The program should not display information about a patron without first displaying information about the corresponding request. REFINEMENT: Every time the form is patron_view it must have been preceeded by a corresponding request_view. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: A[!(form=patron_view) U ((form=request_view) | AG (!(form=patron_view)))] SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The program should not let the user send a letter without first displaying information about the corresponding request. REFINEMENT: Every time the form is send_letter, it must have been preceeded by a corresponding request_view. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: A[!(form=send_letter) U ((form=request_view) | AG (!(form=send_letter)))] SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The system should not search for a request when no search criteria are specified. REFINEMENT: If form is main_menu, form is not request_view unless id_number_text_box or keyword_text_box. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((form=main_menu) -> A[!(form=request_view) U (id_number_text_box | keyword_text_box | AG (!(form=request_view)))]) SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Find ID Button on the Main Menu is disabled unless the user has entered an ID number to search for. REFINEMENT: Not find_id_button unless id_number_text_box. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: A[!find_id_button U (id_number_text_box | AG (!find_id_button))] SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Find Keyword Button on the Main Menu is disabled unless the user has entered a keyword to search for. REFINEMENT: Not find_keyword_button unless keyword_text_box. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: A[!find_keyword_button U (keyword_text_box | AG (!find_keyword_button))] SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: On the Letter Type screen, the Photocopy Check Box and the Due Date Text Box are disabled unless "Material Available for Pickup" is selected. REFINEMENT: Not photocopy_check_box or due_date_text_box unless not letter_type_radio_buttons. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: A[!(photocopy_check_box | due_date_text_box) U (!letter_type_radio_buttons | AG (!(photocopy_check_box | due_date_text_box)))] SOURCE: Tim McCune (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the title is in the List then the book is found. REFINEMENT: If TitleinList1 is equal to 1 then Titlefound should be 1. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ( (TitleinList1=1) -> AF (Titlefound=1) ) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the author is in the List then the book is found. REFINEMENT: If AuthorinList1 is equal to 1 then Authorfound should be 1. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ( (AuthorinList1=1) -> AF (Authorfound=1) ) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the subject is in the List then the book is found. REFINEMENT: If SubjectinList1 is equal to 1 then Subjectfound should be 1. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ( (SubjectinList1=1) -> AF (Subjectfound=1) ) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the ISBN number is in the List then the book is found. REFINEMENT: If NumberinList1 is equal to 1 then Authorfound should be 1. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ( (NumberinList1=1) -> AF (Numberfound=1) ) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the book is not charged then I means that it is not checkedout. REFINEMENT: If the Status of the book is notcharged then Checkout should be 0. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG((Status=notcharged)->AF(Checkout=0)) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: A person can place hold only once. REFINEMENT: If NameinList2 is equal to 1 then Name_accepted should be 0. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ((NameinList2=1) -> AF (Name_accepted=0)) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If a new name is entered in the Loan List, then the password is always correct. REFINEMENT: If NameinList3 is false then the Password is always correct. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG (!NameinList3 -> AF(Password = correct)) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Cannot go from the hold status the status of the book to not charged. REFINEMENT: If the Status of the book is hold then it cannot be notcharged. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG((Status=hold)->AF(!Status=notcharged)) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The book is checked out only if it's status is charged or hold. REFINEMENT: Checkout is 0 until the Status of the book is charged or hold. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: A[(Checkout=0) U ((Status=charged )|(Status=hold)| AG((Checkout=0)))] REWRITING: Checkout=0 == !(Checkout>0) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The status of the book cannot go from uncharged to hold. REFINEMENT: Status of the book cannot be hold unless it is charged. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: A[!(Status=hold) U((Status=charged )| AG(!(Status=hold)))] SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the title is not in the List then the book cannot be found REFINEMENT: If TitleinList1 is equal to 0 then Titlefound cannot be 1. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ( (TitleinList1=0) -> AF !(Titlefound=1) ) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the author is not in the List then the book cannot be found REFINEMENT: If AuthorinList1 is equal to 0 then Authorfound cannot be 1. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ( (AuthorinList1=0) -> AF !(Authorfound=1) ) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the subject is not in the List then the book cannot be found REFINEMENT: If SubjectinList1 is equal to 0 then Subjectfound cannot be 1. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ( (SubjectinList1=0) -> AF !(Subjectfound=1) ) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the number is not in the List then the book cannot be found REFINEMENT: If NumberinList1 is equal to 0 then Numberfound cannot be 1. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional CTL: AG ( (NumberinList1=0) -> AF !(Numberfound=1) ) SOURCE: Ravinder Gulla (Course Project : CIS 842, Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: No work will be scheduled before execution. REFINEMENT: No "doWork" calls occur before the workers begin to "Execute". PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Before PARAMETERS: Propositional, Call events LTL: (<>call_Execute) -> ((!call_doWork) U call_Execute) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: No work is scheduled after a termination. REFINEMENT: Between the moment in which the an execution completes and a new execution begins there is no work done ("doWork"). PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositional, Call events LTL: []((return_Execute && (<>call_Execute)) -> ((!call_doWork) U call_Execute)) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: Mutual exclusion in executing the result procedure. REFINEMENT: While the ith Worker is performing result computations ("doResults") no other worker, i.e., the jth, can do so. Result computations need not terminate. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by process LTL: [](call_doResults:i -> ((!call_doResults:j) U (return_doResults:i || [](!call_doResults:j)))) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: Mutual exclusion in executing the result procedure. REFINEMENT: While the ith Worker is performing result computations ("doResults") no other worker, i.e., the jth, can do so. Result computations must terminate. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by process LTL: []((call_doResults:i && <>return_doResults:i) -> ((!call_doResults:j) U return_doResults:i)) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: Acquired locks are eventually released REFINEMENT: If the ith worker succeeds in waiting on the result lock it will eventually "signal" that task. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by process LTL: [](return_resultlock.wait:i -> <>call_resultlock.signal:i) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: Calls to user supplied routines return REFINEMENT: Each call to "doWork" and "doResults" will return PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by process LTL: [](call_doWork:i -> <>return_doWork:i) [](call_doResult:i -> <>return_doResult:i) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: Acquired locks are released assuming that callbacks return REFINEMENT: If the ith worker succeeds in acquiring a lock it will eventually release it assuming its "doResult" call returns. PATTERN: Filter=GlobalResponse->GlobalResponse SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by process LTL: [](call_doResult:i -> <>return_doResult:i) -> [](return_resultlock.wait:i -> <>call_resultlock.signal:i) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: Computation terminates when workpool is empty or worker signals that it is finished. REFINEMENT: The Execute call returns only when the number of workitems is zero or when a doWork call returns done=true. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by process with parameter values LTL: [](call_Execute -> ((!return_Execute) U (return_doWork(done==true):i || ... || return_doResult(done==true):i || ... || workCountEQzero || [](!return_Execute)))) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: The computation will not terminate before the ActivePool task accepts "Complete". PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: ((! return_Execute ) U ( return_pool.Complete || [] (!return_Execute))) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: A worker signals done only if its local computation does so. REFINEMENT: The ActivePool task accepts "Finished" only if "done" is true in Worker1 task or in Worker2 task. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by process with parameter values LTL: (!return_pool.Finished) U (return_doWork(done==true):i || ... || return_doResult(done==true):i || ... || [] (!return_pool.Finished)) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: Call-backs do not call routines in the same framework. REFINEMENT: Calls on routines in the framework cannot be performed from those program points that lie within the doWork and doResults call-back routines. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by program points LTL: []!(call_Create:i || call_Destroy:i || call_Input:i || call_Execute:i || call_GetResults:i) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: A worker signals done only if its local computation does so, assuming that call-backs do not call routines in the framework. PATTERN: Filter=GlobalAbsence+GlobalPrecedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions, Call events indexed by process and program points with parameter values LTL: ([]!(call_Create:i || call_Destroy:i || call_Input:i || call_Execute:i || call_GetResults:i)) -> ((!return_pool.Finished) U (return_doWork(done==true):i || ... || return_doResult(done==true):i || ... || [] (!return_pool.Finished))) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer and Corina Pasareanu \cite{dwyer:98a} DOMAIN: Software, Components REQUIREMENT: If a semaphore P is done, then there will eventually be a V. REFINEMENT: If the state representing the semaphore's 1 value ever is false, then it will eventually be true. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositional LTL: [](txB1==0 -> <>txB1==1); [](rxBufferSem1==0 -> <>rxBufferSem1==1); [](rxBCS1==0 -> <>rxBCS1==1); SOURCE: Mike Novak \cite{novak:98} DOMAIN: Concurrency Logic REQUIREMENT: Only one of the 3-counting semaphore's four semaphore place's may be occupied at any one time PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: []((state0 & !state1 & !state2 & !state3) | (!state0 & state1 & !state2 & !state3) | (!state0 & !state1 & state2 & !state3) | (!state0 & !state1 & !state2 & state3) ) SOURCE: Mike Novak \cite{novak:98} DOMAIN: Concurrency Logic NOTE: 2 instances of this spec REQUIREMENT: From state 0(3), we can only move to state 1(2) without seeing states 2(0) or 3(1) between movements. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Proposition LTL: []((state0 & <>state1) -> !(state2 || state3) U state1) []((state3 & <>state2) -> !(state0 || state1) U state2) SOURCE: Mike Novak \cite{novak:98} DOMAIN: Concurrency Logic NOTE: 2 instances of this spec REQUIREMENT: From state 1(2), we can only move to states 0(1) or 2(3) without seeing state 3(0) between movements PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Proposition LTL: []((state1 & <>(state0 || state2)) -> !state3 U (state0 || state2)) SOURCE: Mike Novak \cite{novak:98} DOMAIN: Concurrency Logic NOTE: 2 instances of this spec REQUIREMENT: The first method called will be the connect method. REFINEMENT: None of the available methods can be called until connect is called. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Before ALTERNATIVE: Global Precedence PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: <>connect -> (!(disconnect || poke || send || blockingSend || receive || blockingReceive) U connect) SOURCE: Mike Novak \cite{novak:98} DOMAIN: Concurrency Logic REQUIREMENT: After connect is called, any method may be called except connect until disconnect is called. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: []((connect && <>disconnect) -> !connect U disconnect) SOURCE: Mike Novak \cite{novak:98} DOMAIN: Concurrency Logic REQUIREMENT: After disconnect is called, only the connect method may be called. REFINEMENT: Between disconnect being called and connect being called, we may not call disconnect, poke, send, blockingSend, receive, or blockingReceive. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositions LTL: []((disconnect && <>connect) -> !(disconnect || poke || send || blockingSend || receive || blockingReceive) U connect) SOURCE: Mike Novak \cite{novak:98} DOMAIN: Concurrency Logic REQUIREMENT: A send of data from the blockingSend() call may be performed when the socket is not connected. REFINEMENT: Sending data from blockingSend() implies that connected is false PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Proposition LTL: [](blockingSendBeforeSendPlace -> !Connected) SOURCE: Mike Novak \cite{novak:98} DOMAIN: Concurrency Logic REQUIREMENT: The OK button is enabled after the user enters correct data. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions and Macros CTL: AG(ALL_DATA_ENTERED_CORRECT -> AF(login_ok_state=ok_enabled)) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Once enabled the OK button remains enabled as long as all data is entered correctly. PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositions and Macros CTL: AG(login_ok_state=ok_enabled -> A[login_ok_state=ok_enabled U (!ALL_DATA_ENTERED_CORRECT | AG(login_ok_state=ok_enabled))]) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the information (generic, username and password) that is keyed in the login window is not validated, then the application shall not be initialized. The OK button shall not enabled unless the data is validated with respect to the Database. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that if !ALL_DATA_ENTERED_CORRECT in the login window, then the login_ok_state will never become ok_enabled. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions and Macros CTL: AG(!ALL_DATA_ENTERED_CORRECT -> AF(!(login_ok_state=ok_enabled))) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When the information entered in any of the fields in the login window is incorrect a message box is displayed to the user and the user selects OK on this message box the respective field shall be reset to its default state. REQUIREMENT: The occurrence of incorrect login information which persists until the user clicks the user clicks the ok message causes the system to move to the default state. PATTERN: Constrained Response Chain (2-1) SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG((login_generic_state=generic_incorrect & AX(A[!(login_generic_state=generic_default) U (errmsg_ok)])) -> AX(A[!(login_generic_state=generic_default) U (errmsg_ok & AF(login_generic_state=generic_default))])) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI NOTE: 6 instances of this spec REQUIREMENT: The Add, Delete or Update buttons are enabled in the Requirements window only if the user is logged in as Project Manager or Database Administrator and the Requirements window is invoked by selecting if from the Project Administration menu item. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that if the req_command_state is in command_enabled state then previously login_admin and subsequently select_req_admin is true. PATTERN: Precedence Chain (2-1) SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: CTL: AG((!req_command_state=command_enabled) U (AG(!req_command_state=command_enabled) | (!req_command_state=command_enabled & login_admin & AX(A[!req_command_state=command_enabled & select_req_admin])))) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Add, Delete or Update buttons shall be desensitized if the requirements window is accessed from the View/Lookup menu item for all groups of users. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that if select_req_view is true then req_command_state shall be command_not_enabled. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG(select_req_view -> (req_command_state=command_not_enabled)) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Add, Delete or Update buttons in the Requirements window shall not be enabled if the user is logged in as Project Manager or Database Administrator and if the Requirements window is later invoked by selecting it from the View/Lookup Menu item. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that if login_admin is true and eventually req_select_view is true then the req_command_state shall not be command_enabled. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG(login_admin -> AF(req_select_view -> !req_command_state=command_enabled)) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The user may enter any known information about one or more requirements in the Input fields and retrieve all information regarding those requirements by selecting the Search button. REFINEMENT: When req_input_fields_state is in input_field_entered state then the req_search_state shall become enabled. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG(req_input_fields_state=input_field_entered -> AF(req_search_state = search_enabled)) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The refresh command is available to all users and is enabled when an entry is made in any of the Input or Information fields. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that when req_input_fields_state is in input_field_entered state or req_info_fields_state is in info_field_entered state, then req_refresh_state shall become refresh_enabled state. NOTE: RDATA_ENTERED := ((req_input_fields_state = input_field_entered) | (req_info_fields_state = info_field_entered)) PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions and Macros CTL: AG(RDATA_ENTERED -> AF(req_refresh_state=refresh_enabled)) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Selecting the close button will close the Requirements window. This command is available to all users and is enabled always. REFINEMENT: The req_close_state is always in close_enabled state. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG(req_close_state=close_enabled) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Generic Reports menu shall be available only to members of the Project Administration group. For all other users these reports shall be not be available. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that the report_generic_state is in repgen_enabled state when login_admin is true. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG(login_admin -> AF(report_generic_state=repgen_enabled)) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The OK button on the login window is enabled as soon as the application is started and the login window is first displayed to the user. REFINEMENT: When the login window is first displayed to the user !ALL_DATA_ENTERED_CORRECT is true, and at this point login_ok_state is in ok_enabled state. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: CTL: AG(!ALL_DATA_ENTERED_CORRECT -> (login_ok_state=ok_enabled)) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Add, Delete or Update buttons shall be enabled if the requirements window is accessed from the View/Lookup menu item for the Project Manager or Database Administrator group of users. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that if login_admin is true and eventually select_req_view is also true then eventually req_command_state is command_enabled. PATTERN: Response Chain (2-1) SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG(login_admin & AX(AF(select_req_view)) -> AX(AF(select_req_view & AF(req_command_state=command_enabled)))) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Search button is enabled always and does not depend upon an entry being in the Input fields. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that when req_input_fields_state is empty the req_search_state is enabled. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG(req_input_fields_state=input_field_empty -> req_search_state=search_enabled) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Close command on the Requirement window shall be enabled only when the search command is enabled. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that when the req_search_state is not enabled, then the req_close_state shall not be closed and will remain not closed until the req_search_state is enabled. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-until PARAMETERS: Propositions CTL: AG(req_search_state=search_not_enabled -> !E[!req_search_state=search_enabled U (req_close_state=close_enabled & !req_search_state=search_enabled)]) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Refresh button in the Requirements window is never enabled REFINEMENT: It is always the case that the req_refresh_state is never is refresh_enabled state PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Proposition CTL: AG(!req_refresh_state=refresh_enabled) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The Generic Reports menu shall be available to members of all groups, this menu item shall be enabled always. REFINEMENT: It is always the case that report_generic_state is in repgen_enabled state when !login_admin is true. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Proposition CTL: AG(!login_admin -> report_generic_state=repgen_enabled) SOURCE: Aruna Srikanth (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the MS is in a call, then, eventually, ms_meas_state shall be MeasOn PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(ms_cc_state=InCall -> AF(ms_meas_state=MeasOn)) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: MsHandoffRequest message precedes BsHandoffAccept. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propsitions (enumerations) CTL: A[!(bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffAccept) U (ms_to_bs_msg=MsHandoffRequest | AG(!(bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffAccept)))] SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: If BsHandoffAccept is received, then, eventually the MS transmitter will be turned off. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffAccept -> AF(ms_trans_state=TransOff)) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: MsHandoffRequest message precedes BsHandoffReject. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!(bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffReject) U (ms_to_bs_msg=MsHandoffRequest | AG(!(bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffReject)))] SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: It is always the case that after a MsHandoffRequest has been sent either a BsHandoffReject or a BsHandoffAccept shall follow. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(ms_to_bs_msg=MsHandoffRequest -> AF(bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffReject | bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffAccept)) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: It is always the case that after the MS is in a call RSS measurements shall be enabled. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(ms_cc_state=InCall -> AF(ms_meas_state = BsMeasOn)) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: MsHandoffRequest message to the BS precedes a BsHandoffRequest message to the BSC. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!bs_to_bsc_msg=BsHandoffRequest U (ms_to_bs_msg=MsHandoffRequest | AG(!bs_to_bsc_msg=BsHandoffRequest))] SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: BsHandoffRequest message to the BSC precedes a BscHandoffAccept message to the BS. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!bsc_to_bs_msg=BsHandoffAccept U (bs_to_bsc_msg=BsHandoffRequest | AG(!bsc_to_bs_msg=BsHandoffAccept))] SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: BscHandoffAccept message to the BS precedes a BsHandoffAccept message to the MS. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffAccept U (bsc_to_bs_msg=BscHandoffAccept | AG(!bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffAccept))] SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: BsHandoffRequest message to the BSC precedes a BscHandoffReject message to the BS. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!bsc_to_bs_msg=BsHandoffReject U (bs_to_bsc_msg=BsHandoffRequest | AG(!bsc_to_bs_msg=BsHandoffReject))] SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: BscHandoffReject message to the BS precedes a BsHandoffReject message to the MS. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffReject U (bsc_to_bs_msg=BscHandoffReject | AG(!bs_to_ms_msg=BsHandoffReject))] SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: It is always the case that after a BsHandoffRequest has been received by the BSC either a BscHandoffReject or a BscHandoffAccept shall be sent to the BS. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(bs_to_bsc_msg=BsHandoffRequest -> AF(bsc_to_bs_msg=BscHandoffReject | bsc_to_bs_msg=BscHandoffAccept)) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: If the BS is in a call, then, eventually, bs_meas_state shall be BsMeasOn PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(bs_cc_state=InCall -> AF(bs_meas_state=BsMeasOn)) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: MS RSS < BsCallDropThreshold precedes a BsCallDrop message to the BSC. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations and relational-scalar comparison) CTL: A[!bs_to_bsc_msg=BsCallDrop U (ms_rss_value AF((bs_to_bsc_msg=BsCallDrop & bs_tx_power=1))) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: After a channel has been allocated, the BSC receiving a BsCallDrop message precedes a channel deallocation. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: After PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations), Call events with parameters CTL: A[tch_free(1) U (AG(tch_free(1)) | (tch_free(1) & A[tch_free(1) U (bs_to_bsc_msg=BsCallDrop | AG(tch_free(1)))]))] SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: It is always the case that after a call has started it will remain in the call until either the call is dropped due to low BS RSS, the call is ended, or the call is handed-off. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: After-Until PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(ms_cc_state=InCall -> !E[!(MsCallDrop | ms_cc_state=EndCall | ms_cc_state=StartHandoff) U (!ms_cc_state=InCall & !(MsCallDrop | ms_cc_state=EndCall | ms_cc_state=StartHandoff))]) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: It is always the case that after BS RSS < MsCallDropThreshold the MS transmitter is turned off and the call state shall move to Idle. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations and relational-scalar comparison) CTL: AG(bs_rss_value AF(ms_tx_power=1 & ms_c_state=Idle)) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: Given that the TCH is already allocated, it is never the case that the BSC will send a BscCallAccept message to the BS until the TCH is freed. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-until PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations), Call events with parameters CTL: AG(!tch_free(1) -> !E[!tch_free(1) U (bsc_to_bs_msg=BscCallAccept & !tch_free(1))]) SOURCE: James McClelland (Course Project, CIS 842, KSU, Fall 1997) DOMAIN: Communication Protocol REQUIREMENT: If users entry illegal strings into any text fields, then information window will pop-up. REFINEMENT: If parameter_setting equals illegal, then the InfoWin equals open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Parameters (enumerations) CTL: AG((parameter_setting=illegal) -> AF(InfoWin=open)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If users don't load data but press the build window button, then the information window will pop-up. REFINEMENT: If the load_data equals Unloaded and build_window_button equals enabled, then the InfoWin will becom open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG((load_data=Unloaded & build_window_button=enabled) -> AF(InfoWin=open)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Information window can not closed until users press the "OK" button. REFINEMENT: InfoWin equals open until OK_button equals pressed. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(InfoWin=open -> A[InfoWin=open U (OK_button=pressed | AG(InfoWin=open))]) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If users press load data button, then the file dialog will pop-up. REFINEMENT: If load_button equals pressed, then the fileDialog will equal open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(load_button=pressed -> AF(fileDialog=open)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: File dialog window can not closed until users press "ok" button or "cancel" button. REFINEMENT: fileDialog equals open until file_option_button equals "ok" or "cancel" PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Between PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(fileDialog=open -> A[fileDialog=open U (file_option_button=ok | file_option_button=cancel | AG(fileDialog=open))]) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: Color type can always be set by clicking the checkBoxgroup. REFINEMENT: Color_type_state can either equals color or non-color at any time. PATTERN: Universality SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(color_type_state=color | color_type_state=non-color) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When users give a source data file name, then users can load the source data into the system. REFINEMENT: If file_text_field equals has_name and file_option_button equals ok, then load_data equals loaded. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG((file_text_field=has_name & file_option_button=ok) -> AF(load_data=loaded)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The load button is disabled until information window and file dialog are closed. REFINEMENT: load_button is not enabled until infoWindow equals closed and fileDialog equals closed. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!load_button=enabled U ((InfoWin=closed & fileDialog=closed) | AG(load_button=disabled))] SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The build window button is disabled until the parameter text field already set and source data already loaded. REFINEMENT: build_window_button is not enabled until parameter_setting equals legal and load_data equals loaded. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!build_window_button=disabled U ((parameter_setting=legal & load_data=loaded) | AG(build_window_button=disabled))] SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The graphics window can be opened either by clicking build window button or selecting "new" item in file menu choice. REFINEMENT: If build_window_button equals enabled or file_menu_choice equals new, then graphics_window will become open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG((build_window_button=enabled | file_menu_choice=new) -> AF(graphics_window=open)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The user can select "new" item in file menu choice to open a new graphics window. REFINEMENT: If file_menu_choice equals new, then graphics_window will open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(file_menu_choice=new -> AF(graphics_window=open)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The user can select "closed" item in file menu choice to close the graphics window. REFINEMENT: If file_menu_choice equals closed, then graphics_window will close. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(file_menu_choice=closed -> AF(graphics_window=closed)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The cancel button is disabled until the build window button is enabled. REFINEMENT: Enabling the build window button precedes enabling of the cancel button. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!cancel_button=enabled U (build_window_button=enabled | AG(!cancel_button=enabled))] SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The text field setting can not accepted until the graphics windows are open. REFINEMENT: Opening of graphics_window precedes setting of parameter_setting to accepted. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: A[!parameter_setting = accepted U (graphics_window=open | AG(!parameter_setting=accepted))] SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The text field have made an legal value entry at some point. REFINEMENT: Parameter_setting must be equal to a legal or the default value at some point. PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AF(parameter_setting=legal | parameter_setting=default) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If the graphics window is open and users click the refresh button, then surface rendering will return to the initial position. REFINEMENT: When graphics_window equals open and refresh_button equals pressed, then refresh_button_state equals On. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG((graphics_windpw=open & refresh_button=pressed) -> AF(refresh_button_state=On)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When the wire frame button is labeled with "WireFrame Off", after users click it, the wire frame button will label with "WireFrame On". REFINEMENT: If wireFrame_state equals Off and wireFrame_button equals pressed, then wireFrame_state will equal On. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG( (wireFrame_state=Off & wireFrame_button=pressed) -> AF(wireFrame_state=On)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: After the user clicks the filled button labeled with "Filled Off", the filled button will label with "Filled On". REFINEMENT: If filled_state equals Off and filled_button equals pressed, then filled_state will equal On. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG((filled_state=Off & filled_button=pressed) -> AF(filled_state=On)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: If graphics window is open and users click the rendering button, then the graphics will display on the screen. REFINEMENT: When graphics_window equals open and rendering_button equals pressed, then rendering_button_state will equal On. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG((graphics_windpw=open & rendering_button=pressed) -> AF(rendering_button_state=On)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When text field has illegal value, the graphics window can be open. REFINEMENT: When parameter_setting equals illegal, the graphics_window will equal open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(parameter_setting=illegal -> AF(graphics_window=open)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: The build window button is always enabled. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(build_window_button=enabled) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: When users have not load source data, the graphics window can be open. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global PARAMETERS: Propositions (enumerations) CTL: AG(load_data=Unloaded -> AF(graphics_window=open)) SOURCE: Yan Gao (MSE Project, KSU, Aug 1998) DOMAIN: GUI REQUIREMENT: (2) If an artist is registered for an event and dispatcher receives this event, it will not receive another event before passing this one to the artist. PATTERN: Constrained 2-1 Response Chain SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((register_a1_e1 & A[!unregister_a1_e1 U after_notify_artists_e1]) -> AF(after_notify_artists_e1 & A[!(notify_artists_e1 | notify_artists_e2) U notify_client_event_a1_e1])) PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Between LTL: []((register_a1_e1 && <> unregister_a1_e1) -> (after_notify_artists_e1 -> ((!(notify_artists_e1 || notify_artists_e2) && !unregister_a1_e1) U notify_client_event_a1_e1)) U unregister_a1_e1) NOTE: with a constraint of !notify_received by unfolding the box to its U form SOURCE: The Chiron Crew (George Avrunin, James Corbett, Matt Dwyer, Gleb Naumovic, Corina Pasareanu) REQUIREMENT: (3) Dispatcher does not notify any artists of an event until it receives this event from the ADT. PATTERN: Precedence SCOPE: Global CTL: !E[[!notify_artists_e1 U (notify_client_event_a1_e1 | notify_client_event_a2_e1)] LTL: !(notify_client_event_a1_e1 || notify_client_event_a2_e1) U (notify_artists_e1 || []!(notify_client_event_a1_e1 || notify_client_event_a2_e1)) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (4) Having received an event of kind 1, dispatcher never notifies artists of event 2. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until CTL: AG(notify_artists_e1 -> !E[!notify_artists_e2 U ((notify_client_event_a1_e2 | notify_client_event_a2_e2) & !notify_artists_e2)]) LTL: [](notify_artists_e1 -> (!(notify_client_event_a1_e2 || notify_client_event_a2_e2) U (notify_artists_e2 || []!(notify_client_event_a1_e2 || notify_client_event_a2_e2)))) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (5) Dispatcher does not block ADT if no one is registered (this means that if no artists are registered for events of kind 1, dispatcher does nothing upon receiving an event of this kind from the ADT). PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until CTL: AG(e1_szEQ0 -> !E[!e1_szGT0 U ((notify_client_event_a1_e1 | notify_client_event_a2_e1) & !e1_szGT0)]) LTL: [](e1_szEQ0 -> (!(notify_client_event_a1_e1 || notify_client_event_a2_e1) U (e1_szGT0 || []!(notify_client_event_a1_e1 || notify_client_event_a2_e1)))) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (6a) Dispatcher never gives an event to an artist that is not registered for it (either hasn't registered for it yet or has unregistered already). REFINEMENT: (6a) Artist without an initial register can't be notified PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Before CTL: !E[!register_a1_e1 U (notify_event_a1_e1 & !register_a1_e1)] LTL: <>register_a1_e1 -> (!notify_event_a1_e1 U register_a1_e1) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (6b) Dispatcher never gives an event to an artist that is not registered for it (either hasn't registered for it yet or has unregistered already). REFINEMENT: (6b) Artist without an explicit register can't be notified PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until CTL: AG(unregister_a1_e1 -> !E[!register_a1_e1 U (notify_client_event_a1_e1 & !register_a1_e1)]) LTL: [](unregister_a1_e1 -> (!notify_client_event_a1_e1 U (register_a1_e1 || []!notify_client_event_a1_e1))) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (7) The order in which artists register for events of kind 1 is the order in which they are notified of an event of this kind by the dispatcher. In other words, if artist1 registers for event2 before artist2 does, then once dispatcher receives event2 from the ADT, it will first send it to artist1 and then to artist2. PATTERN: Constrained Response-Chain (3-1) SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(register_a1_e1 & E[!unregister_a1_e1 & !notify_client_event_a1_e1 U (register_a2_e1 & E[!unregister_a1_e1 & !unregister_a2_e1 & !notify_client_event_a1_e1 U notify_client_event_a2_e1])]) LTL: <>term -> []((register_a1_e1 && (!unregister_a1_e1 U (register_a2_e1 && (!unregister_a1_e1 && !unregister_a2_e1) U notify_artists_e1))) -> <>(notify_artist_e1 & (!notify_client_event_a2_e1 U notify_client_event_a1_e1))) NOTE: filter <>term in LTL, used negation of violation of chain for CTL SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (8) Size of the linked list used to store IDs of artists registered for event2 never exceeds 2. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until CTL: AG(e1_szEQ2 & (after_register_a1_e1 | after_register_a2_e1) -> !E[!e1_szLT2 U ((register_a1_e1 | register_a2_e1) & !e1_szLT2)]) LTL: [](e1_szEQ2 & (after_register_a1_e1 | after_register_a2_e1) -> (!(register_a2_e1 || register_a1_e1)) U (e1_szLT2 || []!(register_a2_e1 || register_a1_e1))) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (14a) An artist cannot unregister unless it is registered. REFINEMENT: Unregisters are disallowed from the initial state PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Before CTL: !E[!register_a1_e1 U (unregister_a1_e1 & !register_a1_e1) LTL: <>register_a1_e1 -> (!unregister_a1_e1 U register_a1_e1) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (14b) An artist cannot unregister unless it is registered. REFINEMENT: Unregisters are disallowed while explicitly registered PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: After-Until CTL: AG(after_unregister_a1_e1 -> !E[!register_a1_e1 U (unregister_a1_e1 & !register_a1_e1)]) LTL: [](after_unregister_a1_e1 -> (!unregister_a1_e1 U (register_a1_e1 || []!unregister_a1_e1))) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (15a) An artist always unregisters before the program terminates. REFINEMENT: The program never terminates with an artist registered. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG( term -> (e1_szEQ0 & e2_szEQ0)) LTL: []( term -> (e1_szEQ0 && e2_szEQ0)) SOURCE: The Chiron Crew REQUIREMENT: (15b) An artist always unregisters before the program terminates. REFINEMENT: Given that you can't register for the same event twice, we need only check that unregisters respond to registers PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Before CTL: !E[!term U (register_a1_e1 & !term & E[!unregister_a1_e1 U term])] LTL: (register_a1_e1 -> (!term U unregister_a1_e1)) U (term | [](!term)) REQUIREMENT: It is impossible to be driving without the key in PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!(shifter = drive & !(ignition = keyin))) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer (CIS 842 course notes Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: control, automobile REQUIREMENT: If we request a unlock operation the doors will become unlocked PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG( remote=unlock -> AF( driver.doorUnlocked & passenger.doorUnlocked & slider.doorUnlocked & hatch.doorUnlocked)) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer (CIS 842 course notes Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: control, automobile REQUIREMENT: If car is moving then the key cannot be out of the ignition. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG( !speed=0 -> !ignition=keyout ) SOURCE: Matt Dwyer (CIS 842 course notes Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: control, automobile REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (info_fields = empty ->AF (!info_fields = match_info)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((info_fields = empty) & (!info_fields = match_info)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((info_fields = empty) | (info_fields = match_info)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(match_results=one_match -> AF(search_state=not_enabled & search_all_names_state=not_enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((match_results = more_than_one_match) -> AF ((search_state = enabled) & (search_all_names_state = enabled))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (help_state = open -> AF (help_size = min)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((help_state = closed) & (help_size = min)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Always SCOPE: Before CTL: A[help_size = max U (help_state = closed | AG(!help_state=closed))] NOTES: Part 1 of 2 part spec SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF help_state = closed NOTES: Part 2 of 2 part spec SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((name_fields = entry_made | text_fields = entry_made) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (!(match_results = no_match) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((clear_selected = selected) -> AF (search_state = not_enabled & search_all_names_state = not_enabled & view_print_state = not_enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((match_results = one_match) | (match_results = more_than_one_match) -> AF (view_print_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((display_diamond_state = selected) & !(match_results = no_match)) -> AF (diamond_info_fields = match_info)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((text_fields = entry_made) | (name_fields = entry_made)) -> AF ((search_state = enabled) & (clear_state = enabled))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((text_fields = entry_made) | (name_fields = entry_made)) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((name_fields = entry_made) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((name_fields = entry_made) -> AF ((search_state = enabled) & (search_all_names_state = enabled) & (clear_state = enabled))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!match_results=no_match -> AF((text_fields = match_info) & (name_fields = match_info) & (info_fields = match_info))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: If there is a match and diamond state is selected then diamond fields will have the match info. PATTERN: 2-1 Response Chain SCOPE: Global CTL: !EF(!match_results=no_match & EX(EF(display_diamond_state=selected & EG(!diamond_info_fields=match_info)))) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (!(match_results = no_match) -> AF (clear_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF (text_fields = entry_made) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF (match_results = one_match) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: AF (match_results = more_than_one_match) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG (clear_state = enabled) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((name_fields = empty) -> (search_all_names_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((match_results = no_match) -> (view_print_state = enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Before CTL: A[help_size = min U (help_state = open | AG(!help_state=open)] SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG ((help_size = min) & (help_state = closed)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((search_all_names_state = entry_made) & !(match_results=no_match)) -> (search_all_names_state = not_enabled)) SOURCE: Vicki Carr (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((menustate=file) & (menuaction=mexit)->AF(systemstate=terminated)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((menustate=file) & (menuaction=mexit)->AF(systemstate=terminated)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (tastate=error))->AF(taaction=errok)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=error))->AF(tiaction=errok)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=valid) & (tiaction=ok) & validid) -> AF(tistate=complete)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & !(tiready) & !(tiaction=cancel) & changeid)-> AF(tistate=entry)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((systemstate=ti & tistate=entry & tiaction=ok)-> AF(tistate=idle)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=idle) & (tiaction=ok)&validid)-> AF(tistate=valid)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=idle) & (tiaction=ok) & (!validid)) -> AF(tistate=error)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((systemstate=ta) & (taaction=cancel)->AF(tastate=terminated)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ta->AF(menuaction=moff)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ta->AF(menustate=none)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (tastate=terminated) & (menustate=none) & (menuaction=moff))-> AF(systemstate=m)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((systemstate=ti) & (tiaction=cancel) -> AF(tistate=terminated)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ti)->AF(menuaction=moff) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ti)->AF(menustate=none) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ti) & (tistate=terminated) & (menustate=none) & (menuaction=moff))->AF(systemstate=m)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((taaction=click)->AF(tastate=dest)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (tastate=dest) & (taaction=off) & (fieldstate=0))-> AF(tastate=empty)) NOTES: 3 instances SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (taaction=save))->AF(tastate=saved)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (taaction=submit)& !tavalid)->AF(tastate=error)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((systemstate=ta) & (taaction=submit)& tavalid)->AF(tastate=submitted)) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ta) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=terminated) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=m) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(systemstate=ti) SOURCE: Laura Hines (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: gui REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(ActiveTrans = RecvQtyOKLI1 -> AF ActiveTrans = CheckOrdStatus) NOTES: 14 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(ActiveTrans = CheckOrdStatus -> AF ActiveTrans = none) NOTES: 3 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: ? PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(ActiveTrans = PrnLI1 -> AF ActiveTrans = PrnLI2) NOTES: 2 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: The status never goes from unit to these values, so it can only go to open or remain in unit. PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Between CTL: AG((Status = uninit) -> !E[Status = uninit U (Status = inprogress | Status = shipped | Status = closed)]) NOTES: 5 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: An open order may be deleted and have the value uninit. PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown CTL: EF((Status = open) -> E[Status = open U Status = uninit]) NOTES: 8 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: When either line-item is shipped and the other line-item is not open or inprogress, the order is shipped. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((li1.Status = shipped & !(li2.Status = open | li2.Status = inprogress)) | (li2.Status = shipped & !(li1.Status = open | li1.Status = inprogress)) -> AF(Status = shipped)) NOTES: 6 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: When the line-item.Status = shipped the Receipt Qty Correct button is enabled. The user presses this button to indicate that the receipt quantity for the line-item is acceptable. The line-item Status will become closed if the receipt qty not equal the shipped quantity as specified in the first SPEC. To allow this transaction to be undone, the RecvQtyEqShipQty is set to false. PATTERN: Response SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((Enabled & ((li.LINo = 1 & EnvPress = RecvQtyOKLI1) | (li.LINo = 2 & EnvPress = RecvQtyOKLI2)) & !li.RandomRecvQtyEqShipQty & li.Status = shipped & ActiveTrans = none & running) -> AF(li.Status = closed & !li.RecvQtyEqShipQty)) NOTES: 21 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: Verifies that the above implication's antecedent is true some time PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown CTL: EF(Enabled & ((li.LINo = 1 & EnvPress = RecvQtyOKLI1) | (li.LINo = 2 & EnvPress = RecvQtyOKLI2)) & !li.RandomRecvQtyEqShipQty & li.Status = shipped & ActiveTrans = none & running) NOTES: 21 instances SOURCE: Bryon Donahue (CIS 842 course project Fall, 1997) DOMAIN: database application REQUIREMENT: On any iteration, customer 3 starts before customer 2 starts. PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cust_3_started -> cust_2_started) NOTES: For model with flag variables added SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: scheduling algorithm REQUIREMENT: On any iteration, customer 3 starts before customer 2 starts. PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((sched__2=s2) -> A[!(sched__3=s3)U(sched__2=s3)]) QRE: {cust_2_start,cust_3_start} none [-cust_2_start,cust_3_start]*; (cust_2_start; [-cust_3_start]*; cust_3_start; [-cust_2_start,cust_3_start]*)*; cust_3_start; [cust_2_start,cust_3_start]* INCA: (defquery "no_c3c2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "sched_1;") (rend "sched_2;cust_3.start"))) ))) NOTE: Problems with matching up state/event names make it difficult to confirm the use of QRE and INCA mappings. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: scheduling algorithm REQUIREMENT: On any iteration, can customer 2 start twice without an intervening call to finish. PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!error) NOTES: For model with flag for customer_2 finishing and error flag set to true if customer_2 is started when the cust_2_finished flag is true. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: scheduling algorithm REQUIREMENT: On any iteration, can customer 2 start twice without an intervening call to finish. PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((sched__2=s3) -> A[!(sched__2=s2)U((sched__2=s5) | (sched__2=s8))]) INCA: (defquery "no_c2ss" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "sched_2;cust_2.start"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "sched_2;cust_2.start")) :forbid '((rend "cust_2;sched_2.finished))) ))) QRE: {customer_2_start,scheduler_2_finished} all [-customer_2_start]*; (customer_2_start; [-customer_2_start,scheduler_2_finished]*; scheduler_2_finished; [-customer_2_start]*)* NOTES: The QRE is an exact match of the varied mapping. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: scheduling algorithm REQUIREMENT: If solver_3 is forked, is it possible for solver_1 to join the main task before solver_3 has joined solver_2? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((solver_1=s3) -> ((solver_3_forked & solver_3_joined) | !solver_3_forked)) NOTES: For model with flags for solver_3_forked and solver_3_joined. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: parallel computation REQUIREMENT: If solver_3 is forked, is it possible for solver_1 to join the main task before solver_3 has joined solver_2? PATTERN: Unknown SCOPE: Unknown CTL: EF((solver__1=s2) & ((sover__3=s3) | (solver__3=s5))) INCA: (defquery "no_s1js3j" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :ends-with '((rend "main;solver_1.join")) :require '((rend "solver_2;solver_3.fork")) :forbid '((rend "solver_2;solver_22.join"))) ))) QRE: {solver_1_join,solver_3_fork,solver_3_join} all [-solver_1_join,solver_3_fork,solver_3_join]*; ((solver_3_fork; [-solver_1_join,solver_3_join]*; solver_3_join; [-solver_1_join]*; solver_1_join) | solver_1_join); [solver_1_join,solver_3_fork,solver_3_join]* NOTES: INCA and QREs appear to ask the negation of requirement SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: parallel computation REQUIREMENT: Is solver_3 forked on every execution of the program? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((solver_1=s2) -> solver_3_forked) NOTES: For model with flags for solver_3_forked. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: parallel computation REQUIREMENT: Is solver_3 forked on every execution of the program? PATTERN: Existence SCOPE: Global CTL: A[!(main=s3) U ((solver__3=s3) | (solver__3=s5))] INCA: (defquery "no_s3f" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :ends-with '((rend "main;solver_1.join")) :forbid '((rend "solver_2;solver_3.fork))) ))) QRE: {solver_1_join,solver_3-fork} all [-solver_1_join,solver_3_fork]*; solver_3_fork; [solver_1_join,solber_3_fork]* NOTES: Pattern/scope based on QRE. Why not use AF for the CTL? SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: parallel computation REQUIREMENT: Can two adjacent philosophers ever be eating at the same time? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((phil__1=s3) -> !(phil__2=s3)) & ((phil__2=s3) -> !(phil__1=s3))) INCA: (defquery "no_p1p2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "phil_1;fork_1.up") (rend "phil_2;fork_2.up))) ))) QRE: {phil_1_start_eating,phil_1_stop_eating, phil_2_start_eating,phil_2_stop_eating} all [-phil_1_start_eating,phil_2_start_eating]*; (((phil_1_start_eating; [-phil_2_start_eating,phil_1_stop_eating]*; phil_1_stop_eating) | (phil_2_start_eating; [-phil_1_start_eating,phil_2_stop_eating]*; phil_2_stop_eating)); [-phil_1_start_eating,phil_2_start_eating]*)* NOTES: Its very difficult to factor out the disjunction/conjuntion encoding of the QRE to see the (trivial) mapping. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: dining philosophers REQUIREMENT: Can philosopher i ever start eating while holding the dictionary? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((phil_2=s3) -> !holding_dictionary) NOTES: For model with holding_dictionary variable. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: dining philosophers with dictionary REQUIREMENT: Can philosopher i ever start eating while holding the dictionary? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((phil__2=s6) -> A[!(phil__2=s4)U(phil__2=s1)]) INCA: (defquery "no_p2d" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "phil_1;phil_2.dictionary"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "phil_2;fork_2.up")) :forbid '((rend "phil_2;phil_3.dictionary"))) ))) QRE: {phil_2_dictionary,phil_2_dictionary,phil_2_eating} all [-phil_2_dictionary]*; (phil_2_dictionary; [-phil_2_eating,phil_3_dictionary]*; phil_3_dictionary; [-phil_2_citionary]*)* NOTES: CTL requires FAIRNESS constraint phil_2=s1. Exact match on QRE mapping. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: dining philosophers with dictionary REQUIREMENT: Can an elevator ever be moved while its doors are open? PATTERN: Absence SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(!error) NOTES: For model door open and error variables SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, elevator REQUIREMENT: Can an elevator ever be moved while its doors are open? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global INCA: (defquery "no_omc" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "doorman_1;elevator.open_door_1"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "elevator_1;controller.at_floor")) :forbid '((rend "doorman_1;elevaotr.close_door_1"))) ))) QRE: {elevator_open_door_1,elevator_close_door_1,elevator_1_moved} all [-elevator_open_door_1]*; (elevator_open_door_1; [-elevator_close_door_1,elevator_1_moved]*; elevator_close_door_1 [-elevator_open_door_1]*)*; NOTES: Pattern/scope based on matching of mappings for both QRE and INCA to other requirements in this collection (see 2 above) . SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, elevator REQUIREMENT: Can an elevator ever be shut down while it has pending requests? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((elevator_1=s3) -> elev_1_idle) NOTES: For model with elev_1_idle variable SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, elevator REQUIREMENT: Can an elevator ever be shut down while it has pending requests? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global INCA: (defquery "no_omc_con" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "elevator;elevator_1.set_direction"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "driver;controller.shut_down")) :forbid '((rend "elevator-task;elevator_1-task.set_idle"))) ))) QRE: {elevator_1_set_idle,elevator_1_set_direction,controller_shut_down} all [-elevator_1_set_direction,controller_shut_down]*; elevator_1_set_direction; [-elevator_1_set_idle,controller_shut_down]*; elevator_1_set_idle; [-elevator_1_set_direction,controller_shut_down]*)*; controller_shut_down NOTES: Missing open paren in QRE, INCA is constrained response SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, elevator REQUIREMENT: Can two customers ever be pumping on the same pump at the same time? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((customer_1=s5) -> !(customer_2=s5)) & ((customer_2=s5) -> !(customer_1=s5))) INCA: (defquery "no_c1c2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '("call(cust_1-task;pump_1-task.start_pumping)" "call(cust_2-task;pump_1-task.start_pumping)")) ))) QRE: {cust_1_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping, cust_2_start_pumping,cust_2_stop_pumping} none [-cust_1_start_pumping,cust_2_start_pumping]* (((cust_1_start_pumping; [-cust_2_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping]*; cust_1_start_pumping) | (cust_2_start_pumping; [-cust_1_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping]*; cust_2_stop_pumping)); [-cust_1_start_pumping,cust_2_start_pumping]*)*; ((cust_1_start_pumping; [-cust_2_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping]*; cust_2_start_pumping) | (cust_2_start_pumping; [-cust_1_start_pumping,cust_2_stop_pumping]*; cust_1_start_pumping)); [cust_1_start_pumping,cust_1_stop_pumping, cust_2_start_pumping,cust_2_stop_pumping]* SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, Ada program REQUIREMENT: Can a customer ever prepay on one pump and get change based on the charge from the other pump? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(cust_1_pump_2_change -> !prepay_1_pump_1) NOTES: For model with variables prepay_1_pump_1 and cust_1_pump_2_change. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, Ada program REQUIREMENT: Can a customer ever prepay on one pump and get change based on the charge from the other pump? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((customer__1_task=s4) -> A[!(customer__1_task=s1) U ((operator_task=s29) |(operator_task=s24) | (operator_task=s14) | (operator_task=s20))]) INCA: (defquery "no_c1p2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '( (rend "operator-task;customer_1-task.operator-prepay_1_pump_1-end"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "operator-task;customer_1-task.change")) :require '((rend "pump_2-task;operator-task.charge_1_pump_2")) :forbid '((rend "pumpt_1-task;operator-task.charge_1_pump_1"))) ))) QRE: [operator_prepay_1_pump_1,cust_1_pump_1_change,cust_1_pump_2_change} all [-operator_prepay_1_pump_1]*; operator_prepay_1_pump_1; [-cust_1_pump_1_change,cust_1_pump_2_change]*; cust_1_pump_1_change; [-operator_prepay_1_pump_1]*)* NOTES: CTL required fairness constraint for customer__1_task=s1. QRE is exact match for varied mapping. INCA doesn't seem to be. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: control, Ada program REQUIREMENT: On any iteration in the main task, can task 3 be started before task 2? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(t_2_first) NOTES: For model with t_2_started and t_2_first variables. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: Ada program REQUIREMENT: On any iteration in the main task, can task 3 be started before task 2? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((t__1=s3) -> A[!(t__3=s3) U (t__2=s3)]) INCA: (defquery "no_t3t2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '((rend "main;t_1.start"))) (interval :ends-with '((rend "main;t_2.start")) :forbid '((rend "main;t_2.start"))) ))) QRE: {task_1_start, task_3_start} none [-task_1_start, task_3_start]*; (task_1_start; [-task_3_start]*; task_3_start; [-task_1_start, task_3_start]*)*; task_3_start; [task_1_start,task_3_start]* NOTES: INCA seems to match, but the QRE uses a none formulation so it doesn't match. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: Ada program REQUIREMENT: Can two users ever be in the critical section at the same time? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((!(user__1=s1) & !(user__1=s2) & !(user__1=s4) & !(user__1=s12) !(user__1=s21) & !(user__1=s27) & !(user__1=s28)) -> ((user__2=s1) | (user__2=s2) | (user__2=s4) | (user__2=s12) | (user__2=s21) | (user__2=s27) | (user__2=s28)) ) ...) INCA: (defquery "no_u1u2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '("call(user_1-task;crit_sect-task.cs_start)" "call(user_2-task;crit-sect-task.cs_start)")) ))) QRE: {user_1_in_crit_sect,user_1_not_in_crit_sect, user_2_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect} none [-user_1_in_crit_sect,user_2_in_crit_sect]*; (((user_1_in_crit_sect; [-user_2_in_crit_sect,user_1_not_in_crit_sect]*; user_1_not_in_crit_sect) | (user_2_in_crit_sect; [-user_1_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect]*; user_2_not_in_crit_sect)); [-user_1_not_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect]*)*; ((user_1_in_crit_sect; [-user_2_in_crit_sect,user_1_not_in_crit_sect]*; user_2_in_crit_sect) | (user_2_in_crit_sect; [-user_1_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect]*; user_1_in_crit_sect)); [user_1_in_crit_sect,user_1_not_in_crit_sect, user_2_in_crit_sect,user_2_not_in_crit_sect]* SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: memory management REQUIREMENT: Can the system ever be shut down while a user is allocating memory? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((final=s3) -> !user_1_allocating) NOTES: For model with user_1_allocating variable SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: memory management REQUIREMENT: Can the system ever be shut down while a user is allocating memory? PATTERN: Response (constrained variation) SCOPE: Global CTL: AG((user__1=s2) -> A[!(final-s4)U((user__1=s4) | (user__1=s27))]) INCA: (defquery "no_sdu1a" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :open t :ends-with '("internal(user-task_1;user_1_allocating)")) (interval :ends-with '((rend "final;")) :forbid '("internal(user-task_1;user_1_not_allocating)")) ))) QRE: {user_1_allocating,user_1_not_allocating,mmg_crit_sect_whoa} none [-user_1_allocating,user_1_not_allocating,mmg_crit_sect_whoa]*; (user_1_allocating; [-user_1_not_allocating,mmg_crit_sect_whoa]*; user_1_not_allocating; [-user_1_allocating,user_1_not_allocating, mmg_crit_sect_whoa]*)*; user_1_allocating; [-user_1_not_allocating,mmg_crit_sect_whoa]*; mmg_crit_sect_whoa; [user_1_allocating,user_1_not_allocating, mmg_crit_sect_whoa]* NOTES: CTL required fairness constraint user__1=s27. INCA is a match, but QRE doesn't because it uses a none formulation. SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: memory management REQUIREMENT: Can two adjacent masters ever be using the resource at the same time? PATTERN: Universal SCOPE: Global CTL: AG(((master_1=s3) -> !(master_2=s3)) & ((master_2=s3) -> !(master_1=s3)) INCA: (defquery "no_m1m2" "nofair" (omega-star-less (sequence (interval :initial t :ends-with '((rend "server_1;master_1.server_1-request-end") (rend "server_2;master_2.server_2-request-end"))) ))) QRE: {master_1_start_using,server_1_release, master_2_start_using,server_2_release} all [-master_1_start_using,master_2_start_using]*; (((master_1_start_using; [-master_2_start_using,server_1_release]*; server_1_release) | (master_2_start_using; [-master_1_start_using,server_2_release]*; server_2_release)); [-master_1_start_using,master_2_start_using]*)* SOURCE: Tim Chamillard (and others) CITE: \cite{chamillard:96} DOMAIN: mutex protocol